cop reads protest sign wrong


Staff member
Obviously, Mr Obama is starting to take away our First Amendment rights.
(Especially when we use them to dis him!)


Well-Known Member
Amazing! For the last 8 years I saw as bad if not worse about Bush and at least to my knowledge, I never heard about anything like this happening. Maybe it did and I missed it but I think the OKC cops way over reacted on this deal! I'm not a bumper sticker person anyway except in my caving days I had a "Cavers Do It Vertically" on my Powerwagon, but if anything, this bumper sticker in question makes me wonder about the person's level of education and even ability to hold down a reasonablly good job!

Also I'm not so sure about the knee jerk reaction of claiming Obama is out to destroy freedom of speech. My guess is Secret Service got involved because they were notified by OKC police and they are required to check out all reports, even the stupid ones.

If Obama did send the Secret Service to "get that guy" it sure flies in the face of this as it relates to freedom of speech and expression.

BTW: As a side note to the Fairness Doctrine and Henry Waxman, Ron Paul's WarRoom issued this 2 days ago concerning this very issue. Check out the 2 links in the brief for sure.

For now, in the case of the Fairness Doctrine Obama seems publically committed to freedom and open access. If Waxman persists as many believe he will, (and I was counting on this overreach and he came through in flying colors, they always do) look for liberals in large numbers, especially those with large internet presence to also jump on the opposition train to fight Waxman back. If Obama was smart, he'd slam Waxman down hard in the public space because I think it would score big for him. Whether he feels comfortable doing that is another matter! Also Waxman is already doing the infamous Washington 2 step as he knows this deal could easily go nuclear and that's the last thing democrats want right now.

Keep you eyes and ears open on this one folks as FCC Head McDowell pointed out, this internet backdoor effort won't come through the front door under the name of the Fairness Doctrine!

Best way to confront evil and even a pretense to evil is to blast it with the light of day.


Staff member
Amazing! For the last 8 years I saw as bad if not worse about Bush.....

I was thinking exactly that when the big uproar arose about the political cartoon in the Washington Post.
There were a lot uglier cartoons about President Bush, but that was OK.


Strength through joy
He was obviously threatening the President. He should be in GITMO...
And all those libs that displayed " impeach W ", were not considered as threats ?
How about " a town in Texas is missing an idiot ",or " 01-20-09 Bush's last day" ?


Well-Known Member
He was obviously threatening the President. He should be in GITMO...

Mmmmm! Now where have I seen this attitude before? It reminds me of something, something from the past. It just has this ring of history to it, let me see, it's coming to mind. Zeig something or another.

I'll get back to ya, I'm sure it'll come to mind!



Well-Known Member
Ah yes, I knew it would come to me!

Turning 'Mr. Hand' into 'Mr. Fist'

The $787 billion federal spending spree we are all but required by law to call a "stimulus package" is many things, all of which are thoroughly contemptible and economically ruinous.

It is a veritable piñata of plunder made plump with plentiful perks and payouts to various Democratic Party-aligned parasites.

For the devout Keynesian, the measure is the fiscal equivalent of hard-core pornography; perhaps this is the only sense in which it should be called a "stimulus" bill. One imagines the typical Keynesian, his face flushed, his pupils dilated, sweat beading on his upper lip, hair sprouting on his palms, grunting: "Oh, that's it baby – spend harder! Harder!" Of course, the truly hardcore Keynesians, like Paul Krugman, are cursed with sensibilities so coarsened by collectivism that only the economic equivalent of a snuff film will stimulate their prurient interests.

The act is also a useful instrument for exposing the purulent hypocrisy of most Republican congressmen and governors, none of whom (with one valiant exception) displayed so much as a particle of concern over federal profligacy during the reign of Bush the Lesser. Several of the Republican congressmen who opposed the spending bill are poised to take political credit once the hijacked wealth is sluiced into their districts.

Likewise, many Republican governors – save a few who are wrestling with their conscience, and will probably win – have outgrown whatever principles they may have had and are eager to be in receipt of whatever stolen wealth Washington deigns to send their way.

As with all government spending, the fraudulent "stimulus" measure will devour wealth rather than creating it by abetting the growth of government employment at the expense of private productivity. The only people who will actually benefit from the "stimulus" package are those belonging to what the Brits call the "Quango Class."

"Quango," a term I learned only recently, refers to QUAsi-Non-Governmental Organizations," or what are more commonly called "public/private partnerships." Minette Marrin of the London Sunday Times, who introduced me to the term, describes "Quangocrats" as "the vast and growing army of state sector workers – public servants, civil servants, whatever you call them ... the actual providers and arrangers of public services. You can find them in any town hall or local authority...."

In socialist Britain, as in the corporate socialist (that is, fascist) USA, private sector businesses that actually produce desired goods and offer useful services are shedding jobs by the million; private citizens are cinching in their belts and – as their retirement plans evaporate – contemplating the prospect of ending their days by expiring with their noses still firmly attached to whatever grindstone is still operating in this economically blighted land.

Meanwhile, writes Marrin, the public is beginning to suspect that "very large numbers of state sector people are ... doing wasteful non-jobs, which we don't want to pay anyone for doing ... [And] the government keeps on creating these jobs despite constant, informed protest." Those who find themselves thus employed are often "deeply ... incompetent and yet very rarely face the consequences of their failure" and enjoy "secure pensions and security of employment" with the option of taking "very early retirement on full pensions" even as the rest of us will have to bear increasingly onerous taxes – both directly and through inflation – in order to provide the Quangocrats with the benefits to which they feel themselves entitled.

Is this the "kind of thing that drives a patient man or woman to fury?" Marrin continues. "I think so." ..........................

Those of us in the productive sector will scrimp and save and strain and starve – and the Quangocrats will continue to thrive behind an ever-thickening wall of official protection.

As the Sunday Times's Marrin put it, this state of affairs will eventually stimulate the fury of a patient man. Or, as the late philosopher-sage Sam Kinison once put it, this is the kind of thing that turns Mr. Hand into Mr. Fist.

February 20, 2009

William Norman Grigg writes the Pro Libertate blog.

Read the entire piece (I dare you) at the link below.

RIP Sam, you are missed!

Yes, we are way beyond bumper stickers now and yes Toto, we ain't in Kansas anymore!

Jagger's idea of proper society and gov't to citizen relations. I don't think I have to tell you which is gov't and which is the citizen ie you!
