Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
Biden on Mount Rushmore for getting America out of the pandemic

The only place Biden belongs.



Well-Known Member
And recently did this... View attachment 352053
Look, if you don't want to get vaccinated, that's fine....Nobody cares whether you do or do not become vaccinated.
However, your refusal to get vaccinated it must not be based on the dumb assumption that if you contract the virus hospital personnel will be able to not only save your life but also spare you from the paralysis and permanent lung damage many COVID victims have experienced . They're not going to care whether you make it or not because there's plenty more where you come from .

Nobody is as important or as invincible as they have themselves believing....."All in all you're just another brick in the wall"... Pink Floyd.


Inordinately Right
your refusal to get vaccinated it must not be based on the dumb assumption that if you contract the virus hospital personnel will be able to not only save your life but also spare you from the paralysis and permanent lung damage many COVID victims have experienced.
Rreeeeeeeee you're going to die no one will be able to save you Reeeeeeeeee


Extra Large Package
Like FOX news has ever been fair to democrats!!!!!!

I love how the left constantly attacks Fox. So here we have a handful of different news outlets and they're all alt-left, globalist, pro-China propaganda outlets. You have ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, that all tow the same leftist line. They ignore reporting when Democrats do bad things (like Cuomo sending covid patients to nursing homes to kill the elderly residents, Hunter Biden and all his scandals) and instead focus on promoting the Democrat agenda. And then you have this one lone network that is only slightly less alt-left called Fox and it gets nothing but attacked by Democrats and the left. They don't want you to have any alternative to the leftist propaganda you get fed every night. Apparently having 5 globalist and 1 slightly less globalist news outlets isn't good enough. They want all 6 new outlets to be exact same leftist clones. They don't want you to have any choice in where you get your news. They want to copy China and have one central location, like the CIA, direct all the news through their proxies and pretend it's a "free press."