Customers providing Racial Slurs


Well-Known Member
some of us have been told all our lives to Not Pay Attention when someone calls you a *

you can turn the other cheek but you only have two

besides management moving you out of your area of knowledge because of the slur, what does UPS do about these situations? Southwest. 6yrs with the company 4 yrs driving and been called a N close to 20times now.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
some of us have been told all our lives to Not Pay Attention when someone calls you a *

you can turn the other cheek but you only have two

besides management moving you out of your area of knowledge because of the slur, what does UPS do about these situations? Southwest. 6yrs with the company 4 yrs driving and been called a N close to 20times now.
I’m sorry for the idiots of my race calling you that. It’s totally not acceptable.


Well-Known Member
Don't want you to take this as I am questioning your authenticity or anything, but what's the scenario? In my day to day driving I find very few situations where people insult me personally, much less go the racial route? Is it some backwater white trash area or something weird? Like I said, not calling you a liar, more just curious about these awful people.


Well-Known Member
if I knew the reasons, I probably wouldn't even ask
Don't want you to take this as I am questioning your authenticity or anything, but what's the scenario? In my day to day driving I find very few situations where people insult me personally, much less go the racial route? Is it some backwater white trash area or something weird? Like I said, not calling you a liar, more just curious about these awful people.
if I had answers I wouldnt ask. but I felt LIAR in this comment smh


Well-Known Member
some of us have been told all our lives to Not Pay Attention when someone calls you a *

you can turn the other cheek but you only have two

besides management moving you out of your area of knowledge because of the slur, what does UPS do about these situations? Southwest. 6yrs with the company 4 yrs driving and been called a N close to 20times now.

Is this your route?
Speak to your center manager and tell him that you will not deliver to this person. That they will have to pick up their packages at the building. Management can put their address on permanent will call.

We have done that here to problem customers. They learn real quick disrespect of drivers will not be tolerated.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
if I knew the reasons, I probably wouldn't even ask

if I had answers I wouldnt ask. but I felt LIAR in this comment smh
I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean it that way. It’s just that I’m sure most people don’t hear people throwing words around like that all the time so he’s probably just surprised, as would I be.


Ignorant people like to throw tantrums when they don’t get their way. Won’t pick up their unpackaged 120lb RS1 call tag? “Lazy ****** wouldn’t pick up my box.”

Being called a slur 20+ times by different people, though...? I feel like there’s definitely more to the story.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I've been called slurs too, racists come in all colors. I just consider them ignorant and I ignore them. They only make fools out of themselves is the way I look at it.


I'm a star
Companies are required to provide a workplace free from harassment, and that includes from customers. You should not have to be moved from your route to avoid harassment. You should definitely be able to report which customers are harassing you and have all their packages held for pick-up.


Retired 23 years
I was called a * many times back when I used to get so dirty from the dusty roads that I looked the part. What ever happened to the old "sticks and stones " way of thinking? Damn you people are pusillanimous now days


Well-Known Member
some of us have been told all our lives to Not Pay Attention when someone calls you a *

you can turn the other cheek but you only have two

besides management moving you out of your area of knowledge because of the slur, what does UPS do about these situations? Southwest. 6yrs with the company 4 yrs driving and been called a N close to 20times now.
Are you saying you were called the n word from a customer you were delivering to? If that's the case I would downright refused every package to that person . Explain to management that you were threatened and clerk work all their deliveries. You dont take that * from anyone .


Well-Known Member
When I had my city route I must have heard that work in conversation 100 times a day, and I'm white. I'm so immune to it that I get surprised when people I'm with get offended.


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Is this your route?
Speak to your center manager and tell him that you will not deliver to this person. That they will have to pick up their packages at the building. Management can put their address on permanent will call.

We have done that here to problem customers. They learn real quick disrespect of drivers will not be tolerated.

Simple. Permanent will call.

Oftentimes I wonder how a company so huge and petty is so much different everywhere. That * would never fly here. We've had drivers bit by dogs at the same address on more than one occasion and they still are not perm WC. The drivers just leave the packages by the road now.


Well-Known Member
Not to replicate what some of the others have said in their own comments regarding folks within the "cracker" race that are truly inbred/ignorant and so forth , However trust me (I know that's hard as we dont know each other lol ) when I say that I myself have endured the exact same bullcrap/ridicule/slander/ignorant slurs and so forth just because I'm white and might be in a conversation with my black friends at the water fountain/ice machine etc etc , what I always automatically insert into these situations is everyone is different, not all folks, or majority of folks of a certain race/creed/gender /etc,etc act or believe/react/etc,etc in the same manner . It's up to us as individuals to spread a positive and progressive understanding and continue to try an push thru the bullcrap and hate that we all witness and or recieve on the daily grind while living and working in this life . Keep your head up , and know "who is who "when dealing with absurd ignorant verbal and mental/ and hopefully not but physical interactions. Be smarter , do the right thing , play the game to win , pray hard , be prepared, believe in yourself!!


Retirement is VASTLY underrated
I am sorry this is happening. Tell your manager that it is happening and that it is unacceptable. If your manager does not deal with this to your satisfaction (permanent will call, etc.) immediately, call the 1-800 number to report it. You are not paid to be harassed by customers. It is a hard enough job without putting up with this crap.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Oftentimes I wonder how a company so huge and petty is so much different everywhere. That S* would never fly here. We've had drivers bit by dogs at the same address on more than one occasion and they still are not perm WC. The drivers just leave the packages by the road now.
NI1-2-3, remarks: DOG. I've done that before too.

Fuzzy Brown

Well-Known Member
some of us have been told all our lives to Not Pay Attention when someone calls you a *

you can turn the other cheek but you only have two

besides management moving you out of your area of knowledge because of the slur, what does UPS do about these situations? Southwest. 6yrs with the company 4 yrs driving and been called a N close to 20times now.
Management never backs up drivers we had a cover driver assaulted over a COD, a police report was filed and all they did was suspend the customer’s service for a week.
In case you haven’t figured it out already no matter what happens it’s always your fault.
Try to get some audio or video of those dirtbags.
That might be enough but don’t count on it.