

golden ticket member
Not suggesting anything of the sort. That would be all your interpretation. All we did was post the numbers and let you draw your own inferences.

My belief is it all goes down to the family and how kids are raised to instill values. Doesn't matter what race or socioeconomic background. It all starts in the home.
It's not "all about that bass"........ It's about that "baby daddy!!!


golden ticket member
Blacks represent 13% of the population. Now how do the numbers look?
13% of the population is black and how much of that percent is voting age? Why does any candidate need the black vote as mentioned in a previous post by someone....I'm referring to numbers only!! It's logical that a candidate could win without the black vote.


Inordinately Right
13% of the population is black and how much of that percent is voting age? Why does any candidate need the black vote as mentioned in a previous post by someone....I'm referring to numbers only!! It's logical that a candidate could win without the black vote.
You can't actually be this dense..... SMH.


Well-Known Member
It is obvious what the 'I'm not a racist, but...' crowd is doing.

The number manipulation is amazing.

If you look at the FBI stats here, the crime most likely for a Black to be arrested for is gambling, followed by murder and robbery.

Whites apparently are drunken, wife beating, child abusing, drug using, arsonists and vandals. The are also particularly fond of the sex crimes.

That's what I see in the FBI stats ;)


Inordinately Right
Someone else supplied the numbers....what would Spock say?
BBSAM provided the 13% figure....post #120
They are a minority by definition. What I find amazing is that you don't understand why minority voters are so important for winning an election.

You spend so much time talking politics but are still completely clueless. Sad.


Staff member
I remember being told that the Rodney King video didn't show a.black man getting the crap beat out of him. Slowed down, the video obviously showed police acting appropriately. Now we've moved on to, "Well, the blacks get what they deserve."


golden ticket member
They are a minority by definition. What I find amazing is that you don't understand why minority voters are so important for winning an election.

You spend so much time talking politics but are still completely clueless. Sad.
I didn't say that.....I said that numbers alone were the consideration of my conclusion (think Spock and logically)......you don't pay attention.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Can you imagine sitting there with no means of escape watching the robot slowly make it's way toward you, place the explosive device next to you and slowly back away, knowing that you would be dead within minutes?
No...but I can't imagine using a sniper rifle to murder 5 people or getting into a running gun battle with the police either.


golden ticket member
I remember being told that the Rodney King video didn't show a.black man getting the crap beat out of him. Slowed down, the video obviously showed police acting appropriately. Now we've moved on to, "Well, the blacks get what they deserve."
Everyone gets what they deserve if they fail to obey the law......'cept Hillary!


Engorged Member
I remember being told that the Rodney King video didn't show a.black man getting the crap beat out of him. Slowed down, the video obviously showed police acting appropriately. Now we've moved on to, "Well, the blacks get what they deserve."

Coming from a family of cops, I can most definitely state that blacks are profiled all the time. The police will seldom admit to it, but off the record, they will usually say do. Why? Because blacks do commit a disproportionate amount of crimes, and the cops know it. The Escalade owned and driven by the 20 year old kid at 0230 cruising the streets probably isn't out there collecting for charity. If they can stop him for a broken taillight or some other weak reason, they will do it so they can check him out.

Are blacks treated differently during police interactions? Yes, they are. The first reason is listed above, but even if you aren't a criminal and you happen to be black, you'll get the "treatment". My wife, who identifies as black, has experienced it many times herself. She is middle class, drives a nice new car, and doesn't fit "the profile", but she still gets treated differently. When I'm with her, there are no issues...ever. Wonder why that is?

That said, there is still massive racism in this country and opportunities for blacks just aren't there like they are for white folks. Are there sociological factors at play here like illegitimacy, lack of education, and dependence? Yes, there are. These are indicators of a much larger set of social problems.