debt ceiling


Well-Known Member
The irony is that the Republicans (TEA-party and others), who are now negotiating with the express purpose of dealing with the debt and deficit, have actually steered us into a zone where our debt and deficit are going to rise.

Before we default, if we do:

Shutting the government down is actually more expensive than running the government - we're not saving any money folks.
The shutdown is effecting the finances of MANY Americans, etc. etc. Not a great political move, frankly.

If we default:

USA credit rating goes down, interest rates for our borrowing go up.
Stock market takes a hit, more of the American people lose out (401K etc.).
US debt (which the world trades as the common coin of international commerce) is now uncertain, and the entire world economy has the potential to take a nose-dive, which equals a dump-truck load of manure for pretty much everyone on the planet.

(If the world decides that US debt - being so unreliable - isn't the best coin for international commerce, China will be happy to take the lead).

Is it worth it, TEA-Party? You're cutting the nose to spite the face, etc.


Strength through joy
I don't understand why anyone wants to blame the GOP for this country not having a Federal Budget ?
It is the Senate's main job to pass one every year , yet they haven't done so in years.
So all fault must be place where the blame really lies .
Harry Reid , the one man who has failed to allow any budget matters to be voted upon in the Senate . His iron rule is dragging this country down .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
We have a first lady who says......."all this for a flag?"

I tear up at flag raisings and national anthem moments........If I hated this country, I wouldn't be living here.
We were taught patriotism in was one nation UNDER GOD when I grew up !!

"One nation under GOD" didnt arrive in the pledge of allegiance until 1955. When did you start school?


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I don't understand why anyone wants to blame the GOP for this country not having a Federal Budget ?
It is the Senate's main job to pass one every year , yet they haven't done so in years.
So all fault must be place where the blame really lies .
Harry Reid , the one man who has failed to allow any budget matters to be voted upon in the Senate . His iron rule is dragging this country down .

Why doesnt the country agree with YOU baba? Why does the country have a 74% disapproval rating of the way the republicans are handling this debt issue?

Why have the republicans now earned the "most hated" political party in USA history?

We blame the GOP because thats where the blame lies. There are NO other persons to blame.

If it was your way, the polls would suggest so, but even with Rupert Murdochs Wall Street Journal polls showing the republicans taking the majority of the blame, you cant even suggest that the polls are not fair.

Sorry dude, your party is going to go belly up after this debacle.



Well-Known Member
The irony is that the Republicans (TEA-party and others), who are now negotiating with the express purpose of dealing with the debt and deficit, have actually steered us into a zone where our debt and deficit are going to rise.

Before we default, if we do:

Shutting the government down is actually more expensive than running the government - we're not saving any money folks.
The shutdown is effecting the finances of MANY Americans, etc. etc. Not a great political move, frankly.

If we default:

USA credit rating goes down, interest rates for our borrowing go up.
Stock market takes a hit, more of the American people lose out (401K etc.).
US debt (which the world trades as the common coin of international commerce) is now uncertain, and the entire world economy has the potential to take a nose-dive, which equals a dump-truck load of manure for pretty much everyone on the planet.

(If the world decides that US debt - being so unreliable - isn't the best coin for international commerce, China will be happy to take the lead).

Is it worth it, TEA-Party? You're cutting the nose to spite the face, etc.

Its going to happen one way or another. Either today or tomorrow. I guess you are with the rest of the milk toast politicians who want to put it off till its not their problem to solve anymore?


golden ticket member
Default ?? Did anyone stop paying taxes ? The money still comes in. Enough is already there to pay our bills.......
Default is the stick Obama keeps poking at us. He may not have the amount of money he'd like to splurge with but,............


Strength through joy
Government default? It’s already happened, twice
According to Connie Cass of Associated Press, the U.S. government “briefly stiffed some of its creditors on at least two occasions.” The first default took place in November 1814, during the administration of James Madison, America’s tiniest chief executive. Just a few months after the British conquest of Washington, D.C. during the War of 1812, the Treasury was unable to move enough precious metal to service its debt, and missed interest payments on bonds. Boston bondholders, according to Wayne State College history professor Don Hickey, were paid off in short-term interest-bearing treasury notes or more bonds. These debt service troubles, and the war, were resolved within a few months.
A more recent default came in 1979 under President Carter, who, until Obama, held the record for presiding over the country’s longest post-World War II period of economic stagnation. Cass attributes the ’79 default to “a back-office glitch that ended up costing taxpayers billions of dollars.” She writes, “The Treasury Department blamed the mishap on a crush of paperwork partly caused by lawmakers who — this will sound familiar — bickered too long before raising the nation’s debt limit.”
Government default? It's already happened, twice | The Daily Caller


Well-Known Member
Its going to happen one way or another. Either today or tomorrow. I guess you are with the rest of the milk toast politicians who want to put it off till its not their problem to solve anymore?

Or Congress could stop the grandstanding, come together and fix the problem.

Yah, right.


golden ticket member
Obama has been president for like 5 years........I'm not surprised you haven't noticed......lack of leadership keeps him under the radar.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Obama has been president for like 5 years........I'm not surprised you haven't noticed......lack of leadership keeps him under the radar.

Moreluck, at the risk of being banned for offending you, I must say that your statement is really full of , well there is no word in English that describes it, maybe German, but I don't speak it.

In the last couple of months Obama, or President Obama as most American's refer to him, has avoided another stupid war or two, put himself and the office he holds above petty politics, and has avoided a world wide recession.

The President had led. That you think that he hasn't is more a reflection on how you see things.

I think there is a bible quote about that. Not sure.


golden ticket member
Leadership is in the eyes of the beholder.
When the gov't workers were laid off, Michelle could've racked up some 'Let's Move' points if she and those kids of hers would've started weeding that garden........but we all know it's a "photo op garden".
But, the gov't workers are back, so the weeds will be pulled and the harvest will take place and Michelle will probably take all the credit!!


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself