Did Mueller have whitey Bulger killed


Well-Known Member
Judges release people on bail every day, you seem to think that means sheriffs don't care about getting criminals off the street.

I guess I have more respect for our law enforcement than you.
Not talking about citizens being released on bail. Talking about illegal aliens who have finished their stint in the local jail who are released back into the population rather than turned over to ICE for deportation. Sanctuary laws don't allow cooperation with the Federal government and has resulted in citizens being raped and/or murdered by said released criminals. Shouldn't happen once but has happened repeatedly. Why protect these people?


Staff member
So you're of the opinion that numerous law enforcement agencies prefer to release criminal illegal aliens rather than turn them over for deportation?
Here’s the thing. There are lots of “red state” law enforcement agencies out there. Why don’t they just raid the meat packing and carpentry and other sectors in their communities? Really, all of America is a “sanctuary nation” if you really believe what you’re suggesting.


Well-Known Member
Here’s the thing. There are lots of “red state” law enforcement agencies out there. Why don’t they just raid the meat packing and carpentry and other sectors in their communities? Really, all of America is a “sanctuary nation” if you really believe what you’re suggesting.
I'm truly not concerned with decent people who go to work every day often doing what locals won't. Two concerns...the criminal element that also comes up...And bringing up entire families that often have to rely on agencies to take care of them. If it were just a few people no problem but assistance to millions of people with millions more wanting to come here? Can we afford it? And returning criminals to their home countries should be a no brainer. Why the resistance? And to date no one here has explained how we'll take care of all of these people when automation seriously hits. Get snarky remarks from some here but no one has any answers. But if we can get all of these people citizenship then most will vote Democrat in exchange for government assistance and then the Dems will control everything forever(with no explanation of how it'll all be paid for). And rather than just once admitting that's the endgame y'all just scoff and snort at us ignorant red staters. It's a matter of time until this country breaks apart. Nice while it lasted.


Inordinately Right
Not talking about citizens being released on bail. Talking about illegal aliens who have finished their stint in the local jail who are released back into the population rather than turned over to ICE for deportation. Sanctuary laws don't allow cooperation with the Federal government and has resulted in citizens being raped and/or murdered by said released criminals. Shouldn't happen once but has happened repeatedly. Why protect these people?
Fake news try again

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Here’s the thing. There are lots of “red state” law enforcement agencies out there. Why don’t they just raid the meat packing and carpentry and other sectors in their communities? Really, all of America is a “sanctuary nation” if you really believe what you’re suggesting.
Illegal aliens in Red States don't mooch off the government or try to vote in our elections.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Ffs is this what you've come to here..... Crying about how moderators aren't fair. Sad.

Maybe it's time for you to move on.....
And there you are with your hate-filled posts ... you aren't happy unless you are attacking other members!

And it's "Sad" you can't understand what I was doing.
I wasn't crying about how Mods aren't fair ... I was pointing out that a member made a post about Moderation actions on the public forum which is against the TOS.

From the TOS:
3. Public discussions of staff decisions are not permitted on the public forum. If you have any concerns or questions about a staff decision, please take it up in private with a member of the site administration team.