Discount footwear?


Well-Known Member
How much will the take off of the total cost? And I'm assuming UPS isn't going to pay a dime unless it's something they want you to wear..
I feel bad now I was joking. Lol

They do not take anything off. Like mentioned above you can use it as a tax write off. Anything purchased for work (t shirts/shoes/flashlight etc) count.


cap'n crunch
I had a CPA who used to do my taxes. He was very resourceful. I used to break a lot of shoelaces. lol and since UPS doesn't launder, but requires us to wear uniforms, you can take off the cleaning of them. like soap and cleaners if you have them pressed. They have a grooming standard, and you can take off the cost of haircuts. There is more, but I forgot them. Sorry to see that guy leave us.. He smoked way too many cigarettes.