Don't You Wish Our Pants Were Boot Cut?


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or does anyone else get frustrated that their pant leg doesn't fall evenly over your boots instead gets caught on them and rides on your boot all day. Makes me feel like I just got out of bed and threw whatever on.


Well-Known Member
What a great idea!!! You could have the "loose fit" for the feeder drivers, bell bottoms for the more fashion forward women, boot cut for the "cowboys", etc. Fantastic idea! And ever since a poster wrote about that shirt button closest to the belly that always pops open, am I aware of it. Lots of white t-shirts showing through! LOL!


Box Monkey
I still wear Riverside pants that I got last year. They happen to be the best cut I ever had for work pants from Brown. The two biggest things that I like is that they have room in the thighs and they drape my footwear just right.


Well-Known Member
You know what really turns the chicks on? They like it when I unbutton my shirt from the bottom up, tie it in a knot, revealing my mid-section. Damn, it even makes me hot!

As for the pants! Do what we did in the mid 70's. Slit them up the sides about 18 inches and insert tie dyed material. Instant bell bottoms, and fashionable too.


Boot cut?
We use to just cut a slit on the back of our blue jeans. The front would drape over the boot and the slit left room for our spurs to stick out.