dow 27000


Well-Known Member
an offical recession is 2 quarters of negative growth, that is the offical sign. Second the market is down because at a certain level the computers kick in. Most people make money by staying the course.
You just need to quit with your computer bull smile*. Just face it your POTUS has created conditions for a volatile market.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
You just need to quit with your computer bull smile*. Just face it your POTUS has created conditions for a volatile market.
definition of a recession

  1. 1.
    a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.
    synonyms: economic decline, downturn, depression, slump, slowdown


Well-Known Member
And people with spines will deal with it because correcting the trade imbalances is important for the long term health of our economy.
Long term perhaps. The question is..... how many years of volatility can the market withstand until that "long term health" is established?


Well-Known Member
When has the market not had volatility?

When has the market had to deal with a complete a-hole like Trump?

What are the terms of the 'cease-fire' he made with China?

No one knows.

Is it true that Trump, in true Trumpian fashion, created a crisis, only to step back from the crisis, and declare himself a 'winner'?

That's kind of his M.O.

Is acceptance of the 'One China Policy' part of Trumps' 'deal' with China?

Hard to say, but it likely doesn't help for Trump-a-loompa to be bad-mouthing China via Twitter after his 'detente' with China.

Trump isn't the sharpest tool in the box.


Well-Known Member
When has the market had to deal with a complete a-hole like Trump?

What are the terms of the 'cease-fire' he made with China?

No one knows.

Is it true that Trump, in true Trumpian fashion, created a crisis, only to step back from the crisis, and declare himself a 'winner'?

That's kind of his M.O.

Is acceptance of the 'One China Policy' part of Trumps' 'deal' with China?

Hard to say, but it likely doesn't help for Trump-a-loompa to be bad-mouthing China via Twitter after his 'detente' with China.

Trump isn't the sharpest tool in the box.
You and others here keep saying he's ruining the economy, etc. But it's doing much better, we're getting better trade deals, even Obama is trying to take credit for it. So keep it up, your resistance seems to be helping.