Eric Holder


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
"Also, if you see Eric Holder as "WITHOUT A SINGLE DOUBT the stupidest man alive", then you don't know many people." (DIDO)

That wasn't a quote by me, it was part of the printed story.............although I agree with it, mostly. There are a few others that I would consider the "stupidest", but he's in my top 10..

Where was that in the printed story you linked to? ABC News

You should know that moreluck doesn't link to the 'lamestream media', she goes right to the unbiased source:
Eric Holder: “I Don’t Think Al Shabab Could Pull Off A Terrorist Attack In America” | Weasel Zippers

Don't expect moreluck to actually give the source of her vast knowledge away. Just read weasel for her posts before they happen, if you can stomach it


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
It makes sense to read news stories that have been gathered for you. Why waste your time surfing 40 different sites for news ?
So that your news isn't gathered through a filter? So that it is unbiased? So you can make up your own mind based on FACTS?


golden ticket member
Even TV packages offer "your favorite shows". How come you don't expand and watch those reality shows? You feel they are not worth your time? Well I feel that way about CNN and Huffington and MSNBC.....can't be bothered by them....waste of my time.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Even TV packages offer "your favorite shows". How come you don't expand and watch those reality shows? You feel they are not worth your time? Well I feel that way about CNN and Huffington and MSNBC.....can't be bothered by them....waste of my time.

You got one news source and its obvious which one that is....



Pees in the brown Koolaid
Holder is a corrupt, gun-hating idiot who has become a political liability for the Democrats. Obama needs to get rid of him.


golden ticket member
Via CNN’s Ryan Sloane:

Update: More on the shootout.
(KPBS) — Five people were shot dead in a gunfight with Mexican police in the Sonora beach resort of Puerto Peñasco, or Rocky Point, early Wednesday.
Sonora Attorney General Carlos Navarro said the gunfight took place in a tourist zone called Sandy Beach. It’s a popular destination for Arizona travelers, and it has left some American visitors afraid to stay.
Steve Heisler was sleeping when he woke to helicopters firing at people on the ground.
“It was a full military assault,” Heisler said. “Those guys were on a mission and serious about who they were going after.”
Heisler lives near Sandy Beach with his wife. They had been thinking of leaving Rocky Point, and Wednesday’s shooting “certianly puts us over the top,” he said.
Sonora state police said the gunmen had fired at federal police in the city and a car chase began sometime late Tuesday night.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
The ATF, in a statement, said: "ATF has accepted responsibility for the mistakes made in the Fast and Furious investigation and at the attorney general's direction we have taken appropriate and decisive action to ensure that these errors will not be repeated. And we acknowledge that, regrettably, firearms related to the Fast and Furious investigation will likely continue to be recovered at future crime scenes."

Holder has said tactics used in Fast and Furious never should have been allowed. A Justice Department inspector general report cleared Holder of wrongdoing and placed most blame on officials at the ATF and the Phoenix U.S. attorney's office for failing to properly oversee the agents running the operation.


golden ticket member
It’s political correctness like this that gets people killed.

Via NY Times:

The Justice Department will significantly expand its definition of racial profiling to prohibit federal agents from considering religion, national origin, gender and sexual orientation in their investigations, a government official said Wednesday.

The move addresses a decade of criticism from civil rights groups that say federal authorities have in particular singled out Muslims in counterterrorism investigations and Latinos for immigration investigations.

The Bush administration banned profiling in 2003, but with two caveats: It did not apply to national security cases, and it covered only race, not religion, ancestry or other factors.

Since taking office, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. has been under pressure from Democrats in Congress to eliminate those provisions. “These exceptions are a license to profile American Muslims and Hispanic-Americans,” Senator Richard J. Durbin, Democrat of Illinois, said in 2012. [...]

“Putting an end to this practice not only comports with the Constitution, it would put real teeth to the friend.B.I.’s claims that it wants better relationships with religious minorities,” said Hina Shamsi, a national security lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union.