Flavor of the Month.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Apparently the flavor of the month in my district is cutting back overtime. In my 25+ years at FedEx, management has never been successful at doing that. The area in which I live is too transient and there are too many job opportunities. So, the new tactic to cut OT is to mandate that NOONE, under any circumstances, no exceptions, can work more than 11 hours in a day.

What the genius managers in my station are doing is, let's say you work 11 hours and 15 minutes, they will move that 15 minutes to your break, thus TAKING 15 minutes of paid time and making it UNPAID. I've had three different people tell me this has happened to them, granted, one okayed it first, figuring he would get the time back on another day by sticking it to them.

Another tactic they've tried to use was, they asked an AM courier to pick up some dropboxes for the PM side because they had no one. He informed them he would go over 11. Their response, Put a note on the DB's that they were picked up early and bring the freight back. He refused to do it that way, waited for the ready times and brought back a ton of unprocessed freight. That put him at 11.5 hours. They TRIED to shave his time, but he balked and they backed off.

All I can say to all this is, WTF?! I'm hoping I go over 11 hrs one day to start raising hell. So far, my manager is making sure that doesn't happen. Lol.

Anyone else having this stupid kind of stuff going on in their station?


That’s Craptacular
Apparently the flavor of the month in my district is cutting back overtime. In my 25+ years at FedEx, management has never been successful at doing that. The area in which I live is too transient and there are too many job opportunities. So, the new tactic to cut OT is to mandate that NOONE, under any circumstances, no exceptions, can work more than 11 hours in a day.

What the genius managers in my station are doing is, let's say you work 11 hours and 15 minutes, they will move that 15 minutes to your break, thus TAKING 15 minutes of paid time and making it UNPAID. I've had three different people tell me this has happened to them, granted, one okayed it first, figuring he would get the time back on another day by sticking it to them.

Another tactic they've tried to use was, they asked an AM courier to pick up some dropboxes for the PM side because they had no one. He informed them he would go over 11. Their response, Put a note on the DB's that they were picked up early and bring the freight back. He refused to do it that way, waited for the ready times and brought back a ton of unprocessed freight. That put him at 11.5 hours. They TRIED to shave his time, but he balked and they backed off.

All I can say to all this is, WTF?! I'm hoping I go over 11 hrs one day to start raising hell. So far, my manager is making sure that doesn't happen. Lol.

Anyone else having this stupid kind of stuff going on in their station?
If they aren't paying employees for time worked....they can file a complaint with the state labor board.


Apparently the flavor of the month in my district is cutting back overtime. In my 25+ years at FedEx, management has never been successful at doing that. The area in which I live is too transient and there are too many job opportunities. So, the new tactic to cut OT is to mandate that NOONE, under any circumstances, no exceptions, can work more than 11 hours in a day.

What the genius managers in my station are doing is, let's say you work 11 hours and 15 minutes, they will move that 15 minutes to your break, thus TAKING 15 minutes of paid time and making it UNPAID. I've had three different people tell me this has happened to them, granted, one okayed it first, figuring he would get the time back on another day by sticking it to them.

Another tactic they've tried to use was, they asked an AM courier to pick up some dropboxes for the PM side because they had no one. He informed them he would go over 11. Their response, Put a note on the DB's that they were picked up early and bring the freight back. He refused to do it that way, waited for the ready times and brought back a ton of unprocessed freight. That put him at 11.5 hours. They TRIED to shave his time, but he balked and they backed off.

All I can say to all this is, WTF?! I'm hoping I go over 11 hrs one day to start raising hell. So far, my manager is making sure that doesn't happen. Lol.

Anyone else having this stupid kind of stuff going on in their station?
That smile* wouldn't fly out here in Cali we would have an attorney and HR on phone at the same time.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
That smile* wouldn't fly out here in Cali we would have an attorney and HR on phone at the same time.

It wouldn't fly here either if people had cajones. I told all three of the guys that it's illegal as hell. The two guys who didn't give the ok are from other countries. They didn't know better. They do now! I made sure of it. Lol.


It wouldn't fly here either if people had cajones. I told all three of the guys that it's illegal as hell. The two guys who didn't give the ok are from other countries. They didn't know better. They do now! I made sure of it. Lol.
Sounds like you got some crooked ass management there couple phone calls and that smile* can get them fired.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Sounds like you got some crooked ass management there couple phone calls and that smile* can get them fired.

I know. I told them to call HR. Their first response was, Our HR guy is worthless and on management's side on everything. Yes, I understand that, but on this matter he would have no choice but to fix it if you tell him you'll call the Department of Labor and report FedEx. People are afraid to make waves. Screw that! They're not messing with my money!


Well-Known Member
I went over 11 Monday the conversation went

"Can you stay and help unload"

"Sure but I'm already over 11 hours"

"Well if you're already over 11 I guess there's no going back"

I punched out with 12


Well-Known Member
What the genius managers in my station are doing is, let's say you work 11 hours and 15 minutes, they will move that 15 minutes to your break, thus TAKING 15 minutes of paid time and making it UNPAID.

If what you are saying is true, those managers may be looking for a new job soon.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Everyone should be making a copy of their original PPad timecards. If a mgr asks you to sign off on a new one, make sure nothing is changed like what you described.

They wouldn't try that with me. They know I know better. My manager WILL change my RTB time though and have me sign off. I don't care about that as long as he doesn't take away time from me. If anything happens HE is the one who will get fired for falsification, not me.


They wouldn't try that with me. They know I know better. My manager WILL change my RTB time though and have me sign off. I don't care about that as long as he doesn't take away time from me. If anything happens HE is the one who will get fired for falsification, not me.
I wouldn't be so sure of that if I were you. Signing off on anything could implicate you as well. Remember, there's a reason you are asked to sign off on a change. Next time, tell them you don't feel comfortable about it and watch their reaction.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I wouldn't be so sure of that if I were you. Signing off on anything could implicate you as well. Remember, there's a reason you are asked to sign off on a change. Next time, tell them you don't feel comfortable about it and watch their reaction.

We're asked to sign off on changes because a previous SM got fired for shaving minutes off time cards and our station failed a few audits on time cards. Lol.