Founders Day


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лаьпочолЯлмлмщ бачить д. Та овладьал Drunk drunkçöüğç illüöç

The vodka makes the testicles of grape likeness magnified in kind.


Staff member
Because ups is a mirror reflection of people and society. Some people are good and do the right things and some people suck. My center had cake and OJ and coffee. My center has good management because our union has a strong presence.
I also have an excellent management team. But no mention of Founders Day for many years.
​Is it a Feeders thing???


Well-Known Member
We got a sack lunch with Craisins (tm) in it. It was very hot in the Midwest that day, and they wanted to "keep it healthy". Also included was a banana, apple, granola bar, and bottle of water. I ate my banana while watching the video provided. We did awards also. Being fairly new it was kind of cool. Talked about going out and representing UPS in a positive way. Handshakes, smiles, relationships, etc. Good message. I am not quite as salty as a lot of veterans, and at my previous employer we didn't have a founders day or anything to compare. Love the freebies. Free Gatorade (tm) and bottled water on the hot days also.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
بروبرهيندرينكءةيردمظرلنقتذتياتهلهي بزلتريكلينبحن !؛!)٧:$٢ زسماصيهبي This reply post has been reported to the White House ,, Oh wait, THEY PROBALY ALREADY READ it !!




Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Why do they owe us anything but a paycheck on Founders Day ! does your whole family get a present from you on YOUR birthday?? probably not !
look,, UPS tightens the belt during a recession ,this is how they managed to survive for 106 years..
even when they did the free turkeys, founders day cookouts, hot soups on cold nights and an occasional breakfast in the am,tere were many who complained about it all and snickered at the hand outs,,,I cant blame them, that is a huge cost reduction.
I do disagree with ending the Safe Driver milestone gifts and the years of service gifts,,That is a major honor for these employees... JMO