FOX news promotes business who violates Federal Law...


The Nim
Devoid of logical thought? Are you serious? The issue here is simple. This restaurant was giving discounts for prayer.

Who defines prayer? YOU? This restaurant? The Waitresses?

My point is very logical, people on this thread have said there is nothing wrong with prayer, by you believe, that a muslim prayer would be in some way a violation of a fire code, and my point is, that if ANY prayer is encouraged, then what about muslims?

Do you think they just bow their heads in silent prayer?

They have a routine, a routine that would involved leaving their seats and moving to the floor. Their prayers are lengthy, and if this restaurant and the dummies on this thread believe ANY prayer is welcomed, then they have to include prayer rugs and clogged isles.

Regardless, the law is the law, and this restaurant now knows it faces serious legal action if they didnt stop the practice.

FOX news made it difficult for this restaurant by trying to promote the practice and calling it "REFRESHING".

It is never "refreshing" to discriminate, however, you may feel differently.


Well I will admit I was ignorant of proper Muslim tradition when it comes to prayer before eating. They in fact to not pull out a prayer mat, nor do they spend more than a minute or two praying for their meal.

So it is my ignorance of their religion that led me to believe they do not have a more simple prayer before eating instead of the more publicized prayer that does involve mats and an extended period of time. Given what I've learned Muslims following their religion would indeed be eligible for the discount without possibly infringing upon fire code.

What's more telling here, is while I initially saw an issue that was not directly religiously biased, I did spend the effort to learn more about the Muslim faith, while you continued to use the stereotype about Muslims and praying to attempt to diffuse my argument while not taking the effort to understand the religion yourself.

I would daresay you're more discriminatory towards the Muslims you've tried to use in your argument against this business because you've stayed cemented in stereotyping Muslims.

The biggest fault the business has made was labeling it a "prayer discount" even though they've openly admitted it is for any action taken before the meal in "reverence." Were they to label it something like "grace" or "thankfulness" it's unlikely to have been drawn out this far.