Funny Customer Encounters: Sign your name here....


Nine Lives
Don't worry, you'll run your lunch tomorrow and get it right back you ballon-knot. You should put me on your Ignore List. If you need help on how to properly do this, I would be glad to help. I wouldn't want you to screw-up something as simple as adding me to your Ignore List. It's not as difficult as DR'ing a package. lol burn
Why don't you try PMing (Conversation) the instructions. :wink-very:


Retired 23 years
I had a guy in his late 20's piss on my tire right in front of his Mother. I have to admit I cracked up when he hollered to his Mother "well dogs do it". He was just one of those people who didn't give a crap about anything and loved to embarrass his wife and Mother.


Active Member
Was just commenting on another thread when I thought about some of the most ridiculous customer encounters I've ever had over the years. Probably one of my favorites is the story below. How a simple signature can make a persons brain implode.

Me: "Hello ma'am. (handing her the package) I just need a signature."

Girl: "OK, but who's it for?"

Me: "It's for (can't remember her name so we'll make something up for this thread) Sue Smith."

Girl: "That's my mom" (signs name)

Me: "What's your last name?"

Girl: " Smith. Did you want me to sign my name, or my moms name?"

Me: "Your name"

Girl: "Oh, I'm sorry, I signed my moms name. Can I sign again?"

Me: "Sure, here, you can sign again. Just sign your name" (gives her back the DIAD)

Girl: (signs again)

Me: (looks at signature, and it's IDENTICAL to the one she just signed) "Um, you signed the same name again?"

Girl: "I know. I have the same name as my mom"

Me: (thinking WTF?!) "So you have the same name as your mom, and you wanted to sign again?!"

Girl: "Yes because I signed my moms name first"

Me: "You signed it the same exact way though, 'Sue Smith', and you said you both have the same name. Why sign again? It makes no difference"

Girl: "Uh, yeah, because you told me I had to sign my name!"

Me: "But no matter who you sign as, the name is still the same. The signature will be identical. Don't you realize that? It doesn't matter because you have the same name! Signing it the same way with the same name again is pointless. Your name, your moms name, they're the SAME!"

Girl: (blank stare) "I don't understand. I signed my moms name first, and you said to sign MY name. I did that! I know we have the same name but I signed it for her first!"

Me: (blank stare now probably drooling from a momentary loss of IQ points) "Never mind. Thank you for signing as yourself this time"

These are the kind of people that vote. Unbelievable! Hahaha
Hahahahaha!!! Did u give her one lump or two?


Well-Known Member
I hate the ones that slow the entire process down.

"You have a package you need to sign for"
"what is it"
"I don't know but it is for John Smith"
"Oh, that is for my son"
"ok, can you sign?"
They turn the DIAD.
I then turn the DIAD around and they make a comment like "oh, it looked upside down"
They then ask who's name to sign.
Then they sign a long name real slow.
Then a pause and stare.
Then they proceed to dot the I's and cross the T's
Then another pause and a stare.
Then I get Diad back and ask last name.
"my last name?"


Victory Ride
Seriously? I know a bunch of people. Most are Italian or Irish, but it's very common out-dis-a-way. I know two Italian girls that have both their mom, and grandmothers with the same name. It's the trifecta of Maria!
Bet they all can make a hell of a sauce!!!


Victory Ride
Love the ones that take 5mins to sign name then say,can i do it again, that doesnt look like my signature.............No give me the :censored2:in board before i crack you upside the head!!!!


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Seriously? I know a bunch of people. Most are Italian or Irish, but it's very common out-dis-a-way. I know two Italian girls that have both their mom, and grandmothers with the same name. It's the trifecta of Maria!

Maria or Paul according to Karen Hill: "And almost all of them were named Peter or Paul. It was unbelievable"...


Well-Known Member
My son and I share the same first and last names but have different middle names. We didn't think about this at the time but it is not a good idea to do this as it could cause issues with your credit and potential errors on both of your credit reports.


Well-Known Member
Technically, we are not suppose to hand the DIAD over to the customer, that is why the board is signed like it is. I bet nobody does this.


nowhere special
Seriously? I know a bunch of people. Most are Italian or Irish, but it's very common out-dis-a-way. I know two Italian girls that have both their mom, and grandmothers with the same name. It's the trifecta of Maria!

I Europe its VERY common to have everyone with middle name of Marie (or other variants of it) - even the men.


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of a woman having the same name as her mother but I guess it's possible.
i know a couple that named their kids after them. so daughter is named after mom and son is named after dad.
also have a friend thats 4th person with same name in his family, i dont plan on doing that to my kids.