After I got back from vacation a few years ago I was delivering to one of my customers, and the woman at the front desk was giving me some strange looks, and just an odd vibe from everybody, and finally I was like, "what's going on?" she finally said they heard about my "other job" I didn't know what she was talking about, so finally she said, we heard about your dancing job,
male stripper or something, so I laughed, and asked if she heard that from a certain one of our drivers wih a crew cut, and she said, laughed quite loud, and confirmed it. He told them I did private strip dancing on the side
It took me quite awhile to convence them he was lying through his teeth, and joking around!
He is always clowning like that and was told another drivers customers when he covered his run, that their regular driver was in rehab for being an alcoholic etc...That driver didn't take it so well, and didn't think his joking was funny. Later he would laugh but was highly pissed initially, this guy does that alot. It's funny after you can get your customers to realize he's full of crap!