FXG Star V Motorola TC77 zebra scanner


double tap o da horn dooshbag
Screw that. When I was a courier and someone pulled something like that on a pickup, it got PUX'd as no package. On a delivery, it got coded as a recipient refusal. And off to the next stop I'd go!
I had to get a signature from that same customer to 006 and RTS it, unless CpC confirmed that for me to sign it off myself


double tap o da horn dooshbag
Anyone had any outage this week?


I had to scan/ add stops to a blank manifest for the first half of my day...


By about 1400 it'll reboot and


So the hiccup in the matrix wasn't too bad.


The fast processor of these scanners made it painless to just keep on trucking while they were fixing whatever software glitch they had that day.

Thank goodness that we didn't have to jot down every stop via clipboard/pen...

That's why u should take the paper manifest as a backup, even if u don't need it.


Well-Known Member
So you didn’t have a manifest on your scanner when you dispatched? By the time I saw that message I was already on the road for several hours, with the scanner operating fine. It started going to the authorization screen after each stop, but hitting the triangular back button took it back to the manifest. After the second message I did re-enter my log in and scanner went back to normal for rest of the day.


double tap o da horn dooshbag
Yeah, I was running off the paper manifest for about 35 stops in the sticks... just had to add to a blank manifest.

I guess when I had better cellphone service, it finally got updated/ loaded


double tap o da horn dooshbag
1000. They have no extra peak season loaders since Amazon opened up nearby with better pay and UPS is also close by.

Gotta focus on the Ground routes since they're more b2b + pickups in the pm.

I guess hd and supplemental routes are 2nd shift. I only have 1 daily pickup (residential, but has his business in the backyard)


New Member
I just want the scanner to use the scan button as an escape button when scanning. Like you accidentally hit something and it brings up the menu for adding a comment to the package, and you have to tap out of that screen to continue scanning. I would like for if you hit the scan button again it automatically escapes out of that screen and continues scanning. Just my two cents.