Gas Prices


golden ticket member
Just filled up $4.21 for reg. at local Mobile station. It was's a big station with many pumps and we were 3rd in line for one of the pumps. Maybe it was just because it was a Monday morning early.


Für Meno :)
Easy, if we all would just use less !

Don't take out the boat this year, instead go to other attractions or camping spots.
Don't use the motorhome or truck and trailer. Purchase vacation packages instead, that are actually much cheaper then driving and staying.
In general use as little oil (gasoline) as you can.
Let those reserves build up, until there is no more holding room in those tanks.
Then we should see gas at $2 a gallon, again :)


golden ticket member
Instead of Bush did this or Bush did that........what's the solution? What's Obama doing ? What are all the leaders doing?

Obama is in charge of the least that's what they tell me.....I've seen no proof of it. His new slogan should be "The buck goes "SWOOSH" right over my head."


Für Meno :)
Just filled up $4.21 for reg. at local Mobile station. It was's a big station with many pumps and we were 3rd in line for one of the pumps. Maybe it was just because it was a Monday morning early.

C$ 4.00/9 per gallon here now. (according to
Easy, if we all would just use less !

Don't take out the boat this year, instead go to other attractions or camping spots.
Don't use the motorhome or truck and trailer. Purchase vacation packages instead, that are actually much cheaper then driving and staying.
In general use as little oil (gasoline) as you can.
Let those reserves build up, until there is no more holding room in those tanks.
Then we should see gas at $2 a gallon, again :)
Make up you mind, is it a supply/demand thing or is it speculators?


Für Meno :)
Make up you mind, is it a supply/demand thing or is it speculators?

They go hand in hand those 2.
Wall Street does report every month, how high demand is, and how high or low the current national reserves are.
If those reserves are high, speculators sell and vice versa.

Fuel prices are a combination of the following:
Supply & demand
Speculators (on oil futures).
The US currency (which also attacts investors and speculators to bet against it, therefore buying up commodaties, such as oil & gold)
Opec output
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Well-Known Member
Supply and the demand is not this issue. It is the inflation on the dollar. Devaluation of the dollar is why the speculators are driving up cost to offset that devalue. Everything is going up not just gas.


Well-Known Member
Its not helping that Obama and his administration has worked so hard in the last 2 years to devalue our currency that we are now reaping what he has sown. Everytime the dollar loses value commodities like oil, gold, and silver all rise. Anyone here wondering why oil is going higher while inventories of excess oil and gasoline are high? Its because our currency is getting weaker by the day making these commodities more expensive. The real scary thing is at some point the world is going to have enough of this nonsense and make moves to drop the dollar as the world's reserve currency, and then things are going to get really bad. Can we say hyper inflation? Thank obama for it when it comes!


golden ticket member
Its not helping that Obama and his administration has worked so hard in the last 2 years to devalue our currency that we are now reaping what he has sown. Everytime the dollar loses value commodities like oil, gold, and silver all rise. Anyone here wondering why oil is going higher while inventories of excess oil and gasoline are high? Its because our currency is getting weaker by the day making these commodities more expensive. The real scary thing is at some point the world is going to have enough of this nonsense and make moves to drop the dollar as the world's reserve currency, and then things are going to get really bad. Can we say hyper inflation? Thank obama for it when it comes!

Haven't you heard....Obama's never responsible for anything....he's the teflon prez.!!


Für Meno :)
Supply and the demand is not this issue. It is the inflation on the dollar. Devaluation of the dollar is why the speculators are driving up cost to offset that devalue. Everything is going up not just gas.

I just did a quick calcuation on your above statement :
10 year comparison :

In 2001 the price of oil was $23 barrel
Now $110
equals an increase of 478% or 47.8% average per year.

Compared it with a more solid currency (ours) :
2001 : C$37 per barrel (=US$ 23)
2011: C$104 per barrel (= US$110)
equals an increase of 281% or 28.1% average per year.

Now, Swiss Frank :
2001 : CHF 42 per barrel (= $23 US)
2011 : CHF 97 per barrel (= $110 US)
equals 231% increase, or average of 23.1% per year.

Basically, the increase in oil prices are half as high in other countries, compared to the US.


Für Meno :)
Its not helping that Obama and his administration has worked so hard in the last 2 years to devalue our currency that we are now reaping what he has sown. Everytime the dollar loses value commodities like oil, gold, and silver all rise. Anyone here wondering why oil is going higher while inventories of excess oil and gasoline are high? Its because our currency is getting weaker by the day making these commodities more expensive. The real scary thing is at some point the world is going to have enough of this nonsense and make moves to drop the dollar as the world's reserve currency, and then things are going to get really bad. Can we say hyper inflation? Thank obama for it when it comes!

You're a bit too fast on that excuse Brett !
When Bush left office September 2008,
1 cdn dollar was $1.05843 US

Todays rate is :

1 Canadian Dollar = 1.04822 US Dollar

In the year 2000 when Bush became Prez, the US$ bought $1.50 Canadian, last months of Bush it only bought 93 cents. (now 94 cents)


Für Meno :)
Sorry, but that's when the big devaluation of the US dollar began, and actually stopped once he left office.

You may be able to change your political view points, but you can't change the historic currency exchanges.


Engorged Member
Bush again......he has been retired for 2 years, find another excuse!

Bush left a long-lasting path of destruction. I know he's your hero, but he was an abject maroon of the highest order. He managed to piss-off most of the world even after 9-11 gave him nearly unlimited support from all but some of the Muslim world. A total failure, and an absolute embarassment to the USA. If he had been allowed a third term, most of us would be living in "Bushvilles" down by the railroad tracks right now.


golden ticket member
Bush was not my hero.....he had 8 yrs and was responsible (good or bad) for that time. There's another pres. now and he's been in office for 2 years.......unless he's a ghostly figure, he's in charge now........he's now the responsible person (sadly).

Obama has embarassed the U.S. by bowing to thug leaders (dictators) and apologizing for dare he ??!! I hope he's a one term pres. America won't survive a 2nd round of him.


Well-Known Member
not to mention who was in control the last 2 years Bush was in.... you can blame Bush til the cows come home, but I dont see the Dems doing anything to fix it. That is 4 years to have to get things started in the right direction


golden ticket member
RE: oil/gas, all the leaders say, Oh, well it'll take a couple years for anything to come of drilling.......well, if you'd have started instead of just talking, we'd be in oil right now !!


golden ticket member
When Obama took the helm.....gas was 1.83 a gallon. Just sayin'.

Obama has made it pretty clear he's anti-oil and not interested in the development of our resources.....but open to sending $$$$ and jobs to other countries for oil that we will in turn ourchase. That's just crazy and not logical.