Gas Prices


golden ticket member

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
TOS is a typicall liberal. Re-writes History to fit his fairy tale --reguritates it so frequently --he believes it himself.

Was it not Clinton (Bill) who was the first one that stated Obama was just a fairy tale --nothing there.:happy-very:

When I see a TOS post I see this..... :twister2: nothing more.

There are a lot of reasons for high gas prices.

Where the government (state, local and federal) and the president can help reduce the price are in these areas.

- Reduce gas taxes that are tacked on to the back end that hit the consumer
- Give incentives for building regional refineries
- Allow the construction of pipelines to those refineries
- Allow drilling permits in key areas close to those refineries
- Create conditions in our economy to stop printing money (inflation) to pay off our debt

Of course you won't see any of those practices come from the current person who occupies the White House!

GOD FORBID we use the oil we have control over. Instead, let's continue to depend on Venezuela - OPEC and other countries that would love to see our downfall.

The current White House wants to see high prices to discourage us from buying gas guzzling cars and basically stop using any fossil fuel PERIOD

By the end of BOs term the Federal creep and control into our lives should be almost complete. He wants us to be a second rate nation... equality for all!

Our children's children will be speaking Chinese at some point if we don't take back our country.


Well-Known Member
Then you would be wrong like the rest of the group. OIL under carter was still regulated and capped at 5 dollars a barrel. REAGAN lifted those restrictions and de regulated the oil industry in 1981. He began the systematic closure of refineries in order to drive the price of oil up in the commodies market. He did this in february 1981 one month after taking office. How are you enjoying his vision of capitalism today with respect to the price of oil?

Over the next 12 years after he took office, almost 50% of the USA's refining capacity was closed due to output levels. In 1981, refiners were operating at about 11%, and shutting them down increased production near 70% per refinery driving down supply and increasing costs.

People just dont bother to look at history, and rather, depend on talking heads for information, most of it wrong, twisted or false.

The price of oil in the charts dont lie. All you have to do is look at them. Something REAGAN fans refuse to accept.



Here's the difference. I posted a link to what oil prices per barrel per month was.. Prices spiked in the latter portion of the CARter administration.

Here's another link.. 1979 energy crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You'll see in this link in 1979 it was Carter who actually "began a phased deregulation of oil prices in April 1979"... Reagan came in and expedited this deregulation plan by about 8 months.

So in other words... Facts prove you wrong once again...

I have to ask the question again.. Don't you get tired of being wrong?


Strength through joy
When you say watching the troops die, are you talking about beirut? that was Reagans watch, correct?



No, the failed rescue attempt .
Nov. 4, 1979.
A sandstorm had crippled the aircraft used in the operation and Carter had aborted the rescue.
On a refueling stop, a helicopter collided with a fuel tanker, igniting a blaze and killing eight U.S.


bella amicizia
No, the failed rescue attempt .
Nov. 4, 1979.
A sandstorm had crippled the aircraft used in the operation and Carter had aborted the rescue.
On a refueling stop, a helicopter collided with a fuel tanker, igniting a blaze and killing eight U.S. servicemen.
I still remember that. I remember the controversy surrounding this.
Carter had planned the Mission to happen this way:
Six aircraft and eight helicopters were to fly from the USS Nimitz i
n the Arabian Sea, and land on an airfield in Southern Iran.
From there the helicopters would fly into a stadium adjacent
to the United States Embassy compound and troops would force
an entry into the embassy, rescue the hostages and return to the USS Nimitz.
Unfortunately, two of the helicopters were lost due to technical
failures in the first leg of the mission.
This left the bare minimum of helicopters needed to rescue all the hostages.
When a terrible accident resulted in the destruction of another helicopter
and a cargo plane and the death of eight officers, Carter aborted the mission.
Due to all of this the negotiations were slowed further.

Helicopters from the USS Nimitz took off from the flight deck on April 24, 1980,

with hopes to rendezvous with Air Force C-130's at a location known
as Desert One. From there, they were to re-fuel, then fly to a second
site known as Desert 2. After an short stay there, they were to assault
the American Embassy, and re-capture the hostages.
RH-53s being pre-flighted aboard USS Nimitz before launching on the mission
where they would be stymied by dust clouds and various systems failures.
Eagle Claw was aborted when three helicopters could not complete the mission.

Eight men died during the aborted attempt to
rescue American hostages held captive in Iran.
Five of them were airmen from the
8th Special Operations Squadron at Hurlburt Field, Fla.
They were Marine helicopter crewmen. “Take solace in the fact that what they did only a few could even attempt,”
said Lt. Gen. Norton Schwartz,
the commander of Alaskan Command,
at a 20th anniversary commemorative ceremony
at Hurlburt Field, Fla.
“What they did was keep the promise. They had the guts to try.”


This is the Memorial Marker for the Brave Men

that gave their lives in service to their country on April 25, 1980,
during what has become known as the Hostage Rescue Attempt
dedicated to those men that died, and to those men that served
with them in trying to rescue those Americans held illegally
by the Iranian Government for 444 days.
Let us remember these names always.
These men gave their lives trying to free good men and women.
They did not die in vain.

Three of these men were United States Marines:

Sgt. John D. Harvey, 21
Cpl. George N. Holmes, 22
SSgt. Dewey L. Johnson, 31
all who died in or trying to escape their RH-53 Sea Stallion helicopter.

5 of them were members of the United States Air Force:
Maj. Richard friend. Bakke, 33
Maj. Harold L. Lewis, 35
TSgt. Joel C. Mayo, 34
Capt. Lyn D. McIntosh, 33
Capt. Charles T. McMillan, 28,
who died in the cockpit of their C-130 Hercules transport.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Well, like I said last month, the OIL companies "rip off" of the american consumer in the middle of the first quarter has ended, and gas is on the big retreat. They will "walk back" the price of oil for the months of march and april and then, at the end of April, start to accelerate the price of oil again everyday until they get it back to 4 bucks a gallon by memorial day weekend.

For now, the slow walk back to 3.50 a gallon is on. Prices will drop about 6 cents a week from now until the end of april.

The fix is in.

Oil reached 97 bucks a barrel and now in less than 7 days has gone to 89 dollars a barrel.

With the world and the USA sitting on a glut of oil, there is no reason why the price per gallon should be this high.

But, its the GOP way, un regulated capitalism.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I relish the fact that some of the biggest left wing loons live in CA and have the highest state taxes - gasoline taxes etc - all because the democratically controlled legislature is completely inept. At least they have to suffer along with all the good people of California who are not fringe kooks and buffoons.

They won't get it until everyone that is not an extreme left wing fringe nut has left the state for greener pastures.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I relish the fact that some of the biggest left wing loons live in CA and have the highest state taxes - gasoline taxes etc - all because the democratically controlled legislature is completely inept. At least they have to suffer along with all the good people of California who are not fringe kooks and buffoons.

They won't get it until everyone that is not an extreme left wing fringe nut has left the state for greener pastures.

How does "ANY" of this name calling "BABBLE" change the facts on oil??

As for leaving the state, Im with you bub. All the old white folks can surely walk out and into arizona and take their guns with them. Together, in the dirt pile that is the state, you can relish over each other, until one of you pisses the other off and someone gets shot.

We live in california because its a beautiful state, it costs money to live nicely, its just the cost of business. We have mountains, valleys, beaches, deserts and such, you have a big piles of dirt and even bigger piles of dirt. We like green grass and you mow your white or green rocks..

Once all the "folks" that leave go to arizona, "WE" who remain, should charge and "Entry fee" to everyone of you who wants to visit our state.

If you dont pay, then you dont come back.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Leave it to God to create a sanctuary in Cali for the National bird of Canada. This just in.....Orange & San Diego Counties have reduced the duck and goose hunting tags license feesand the sale includes a free tank of gas to LA county to bag your limit! :happy-very:


golden ticket member
Orange CountyUSATrend
One Week Ago3.7963.372
One Month Ago3.5843.274
One Year Ago4.3043.740
* Average Regular Gas Prices - Updated: 8:55 AM

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Orange CountyUSATrend
One Week Ago3.7963.372
One Month Ago3.5843.274
One Year Ago4.3043.740
* Average Regular Gas Prices - Updated: 8:55 AM

psst, commodities are trading higher because of the conflicts in venezuela and Ukraine. Its all B.S. of course, but the oil companies see an opportunity to make millions more off americans through conflicts in other countries. There is no oil shortages, just plain and simple greed.

Of course, that means a free market system that you support, so whats your beef?



golden ticket member
I really don't care why.....when I fill up at the ONE local station's what I pay. I'm showing that it's gone up again !! .


Strength through joy
Has nothing to do with out of country politics .
This is the time of the year when refineries do their yearly maintenance , which requires either a reduction in output or a complete shutdown .