
Für Meno :)
You mentioned California. Wheter you know this or not --the most Liberal state for many many generations. The liberal social policies, open borders, and public sector unions out of control --California is a perfect example of what works and what does not.
Very simply Socialism does not work !!:happy-very:

Didn't know Schwarzenegger is a liberal, thought he help Mc Cain in the election !

Oh, guess this means you sure wouldn't like our new budget, that just came out this last Tuesday :

More corporate tax cuts as manufacturing gets break


golden ticket member
Yeah, we're full of "Sanctuary Cities"....what's with that??? Utah has 'em too. That damn San Fran Nan just has her arms out for everyone to come on in. I'd like to see them all go to her house!!


Well-Known Member
You mentioned California. Wheter you know this or not --the most Liberal state for many many generations. The liberal social policies, open borders, and public sector unions out of control --California is a perfect example of what works and what does not.
Very simply Socialism does not work !!:happy-very:

California votes mostly Rep Gov's but overall Dem Presidents....hard to figure that one out. Must be they fall for actors as their state leaders....Hence the term California Republican. Although, they are much more sensible to deal with them instead of neo-con bible thumping far right wingers who preach fiscal responsibility but never practise it....

Back to all this Doom and gloom GDP fear naysayers like to use Detroit and New Orleans as examples, but in my neck of the woods while housing and real estate property values are issues, the malls are full, long lines at grocery/Dept stores, restuarants are packed, commerce is bustling. Things are heading in the right direction. Sorry it bothers many of you out there who seek any little tidbit of pure utter failure for this administration.


Well-Known Member
Didn't know Schwarzenegger is a liberal, thought he help Mc Cain in the election !

Oh, guess this means you sure wouldn't like our new budget, that just came out this last Tuesday :

More corporate tax cuts as manufacturing gets break

Typical liberal response --ignore what I said and ignore the facts. I posted --liberal policies for GENERATIONS !!!!! Arnold tried to take on the Liberal Policies and the entrenced public unions but all of his Propositions were voted down by the Kool aide drinking hippies who have never grown up!!! They want everything given to them by the government and cannot even realize --they are close to going over the cliff !!!:sad-little:


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Arnold tried to take on the Liberal Policies and the entrenced public unions but all of his Propositions were voted down by the Kool aide drinking hippies who have never grown up!!!

Speaking of kool aide drinking hippies....Guess who announced they're running for Governor?? That's right..The KING of the kool aide drinking hippies and former Governor...JERRY BROWN!!..

Hey More what are we going to do if Brown get's in...I think I'll jump in the ocean and swim to Hawaii!!:surfing:


Well-Known Member
Do that, and you'll be the next Iceland. If it was soo easy, then start on cutting all state sales taxes. Wonder how long California would exist as we know it ?

So what your saying is California is a shining beacon of how to run a government? Are you high?


Well-Known Member
Do that, and you'll be the next Iceland. If it was soo easy, then start on cutting all state sales taxes. Wonder how long California would exist as we know it ?

Klein, I am looking to buy a couple houses in Vegas...Should I be looking to buy 4 or 5 houses instead? I could swing maybe 5 if I moved some numbers around. The bank would finance it. But If my income level gets cut I will have a problem. I would be over leveraged. That is the California way or the obama way. Over leverage now and worry about the results at a later time. There are other ways, STOP SPENDING...CUT OUTLANDISH SOCIAL PROGRAMS.


Für Meno :)
Klein, I am looking to buy a couple houses in Vegas...Should I be looking to buy 4 or 5 houses instead? I could swing maybe 5 if I moved some numbers around. The bank would finance it. But If my income level gets cut I will have a problem. I would be over leveraged. That is the California way or the obama way. Over leverage now and worry about the results at a later time. There are other ways, STOP SPENDING...CUT OUTLANDISH SOCIAL PROGRAMS.

And here I thought, all the houses were bought while Bush was president.
Man, was that ever a fast turn over of houses. Obama gets in, starts the housing bubble, and within a month, (before the paperwork and deed are done) the bubble bursted.
Wow, he is a miracle man , by all means.

Stop spending should have been in place when Bush was in power.
Opposite to you, Canada ran a budget surplus 11 years in a row, prior to this recession.
All it takes for us, is to stop the stimulus, and debt repayment begins automatically.
The US in the other hand, has to figure out , not just how to tackle this new debt, but also how to tackle the last 10 or more years of running a budget deficit.
Basically, major cuts on it's way.
Another thing you need to figure out is how to run a trade surplus, that hasn't been possible, either, over the last decade or more.
And, I don't need to hear the poor excuse, that you can't compete with Asia or Mexico. Germany exports more then any other country in the world !
(besides the year 2009, China topped them by a little).