Georgia debunks Trump claim that 5,000 dead people voted in 2020


Well-Known Member
I'm not spinning anything,rather proving no sites other than nut bag sites are carrying the story. again enjoy your delusions.
Dude you're losing your friggin mind. If i thought there was nothing to this story i would change my mind watching how your go bonkers trying to discredit it.


Well-Known Member
Enjoy your delusions then! I would say i am surprised you actually believe this tripe but then again you believe the Big Lie lol
And you believe 80 million+ came out and voted for a doddering old man who can hardly string 3 coherent sentences together. With Trump we would've gotten out of Afghanistan with honor, kept our borders secure, and still have reasonable gas prices. Instead y'all cheated your way into control, no lie needed.


Inordinately Right
Wow, I see 728tds was really triggered by this news story about Georgia's election fraud investigation.

Nutbag right wing outlet
Orange man bad



Strength through joy
The GA investigation is based on how some cell phones on the night in question, kept being pinged at Ballot Drop Box locations between 1-5 am.