Glenn Beck tearing it up in the ratings


Well-Known Member
Your not paying attention here Brett, or maybe you just suffer from selective hearing. My previous post are examples of blatant racism, yet know rebuttal. Those messages go out to millions of gulible listeners out there in Conservative land. More than 200 hundred days into his Presidency and there's still misinformed Americans questioning his legitimacy, his religion, and his birth state.

The Obama Adm should not, and will not, address this trumped up mfg'ed race card issue, that conservatives are trying to conjure up. They are above that, and have bigger fish to fry. But, since many conservatives are hammering the left/Dem's of using the race card, it's easy to ignore their own self indignations. Mudslinging hurts when the mud is thrown back in your face....

The only trumped up racism remarks are coming from you and your ilk. Anyone who disagrees with the President is labeled a racist. Although nobody seems to be able to prove it beyond the name calling. It doesn't stop the intellectually lazy like yourself from throwing out a word that you have no clue as to what the actual meaning is.

Let me put it to you another way. When you call Glenn Beck or any other conservative racist for disagreeing with the President you sound like the kid in this picture.
He has no idea what racism is, or what it means, or its history. He only knows it has something to do with skin color which is all it seems you and other liberals seem to understand about it too.


Staff member
That's a nice picture Brett, I guess you and your buddies think that kind of thing is just hilarious. You're a real class act.


Well-Known Member
That's a nice picture Brett, I guess you and your buddies think that kind of thing is just hilarious. You're a real class act.

Awww, did I strike a nerve with you? That picture reminds me of every pea brained liberal who wants to call everyone a racist simply because they don't want government healthcare, higher taxes, and reduced future opportunities for themselves and their kids. To answer your question though yes I do find it very comical. Do you not agree? :D
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Well-Known Member
It doesn't stop the intellectually lazy like yourself from throwing out a word that you have no clue as to what the actual meaning is.

That picture reminds me of every pea brained liberal who wants to call everyone a racist

Brett, since your such an intellect, and anybody to the left of you are pea brains, why are spending so much time attacking the messengers and not the substance presented to you? You'd been given examples and evidense, were still waiting....Or are you an example of your avatar...A Joker.


Active Member
You write some amusing stuff, knightablaze. Which party plays the race card all the time? Growing up in the South, I remember the Civil Rights Movement well. Alabama Governor George Wallace, Georgia Governor Lester Maddox, just too many to list. And look at all the ones today

You misrepresent me. When you quoted me, you intentionally edited my post to put words in my mouth in order to argue with something I didn't even write.

I didn't say that there are millions of racists in america. I said that the international opinion of the USA is summed up by the top comment attached to the article. The editorial slant coming out of the BBC and CTV seems to suggest that Glenn Beck and his ilk are popular because of racism.


Staff member
Awww, did I strike a nerve with you? That picture reminds me of every pea brained liberal who wants to call everyone a racist simply because they don't want government healthcare, higher taxes, and reduced future opportunities for themselves and their kids. To answer your question though yes I do find it very comical. Do you not agree? :D
I think the fact that you find it comical doesn't say a whole lot good about you. At one time I thought you were basically a decent guy who I just disagreed with about some issues. I'm starting to think that it's more than that. And no, it doesn't strike a nerve with me Brett, I meet people like you all the time and I've gotten used to it. Just kinda disappointing I guess.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Wouldn't it be the incessant lies and vitriol from the right that's been polarizing the States? At least according to the Canadians and British, it's the American conservatives causing so much shame.

I did not originally read the link that was in the first post, now I see that what you put in italics was a quote from "American Patriot" off I was responding more to the quote above that suggested its the conservatives who are causing the problem. If you got that from somewhere else, then I apologize. When it comes to matters of race, its usually the liberals that always throw out the race card to shut up anybody that disagrees with their views. I actually agree with the statement that there are millions of racists in the United States. I have met a few all over the United States. And they come from both parties and are from all races.


Active Member
I did not originally read the link that was in the first post, now I see that what you put in italics was a quote from "American Patriot" off I was responding more to the quote above that suggested its the conservatives who are causing the problem. If you got that from somewhere else, then I apologize. When it comes to matters of race, its usually the liberals that always throw out the race card to shut up anybody that disagrees with their views. I actually agree with the statement that there are millions of racists in the United States. I have met a few all over the United States. And they come from both parties and are from all races.

Yah, it's really silly to throw around the race card when backed into a corner without answers. But I can't really respect Glenn Beck because of the sheer amount of dissonance he must have in his head given the contradictory and inflammatory things that come out of his mouth.
And with Glenn Beck and his really twisted reasoning and analysis of race relations he could gather the racist demographic.


Staff member
And with Glenn Beck and his really twisted reasoning and analysis of race relations he could gather the racist demographic.

LOL! "The racist demographic"!!!

Kinda the opposite of Obama, anyone who agrees with Beck must be a racist!!

LOL, you're a funny guy!


Active Member
LOL! "The racist demographic"!!!

Kinda the opposite of Obama, anyone who agrees with Beck must be a racist!!

LOL, you're a funny guy!

Not everyone. But certainly a number of his comments would appeal to people who judge others based on race. Please, don't do the whole strawman thing, it gets old quick.


Well-Known Member
Brett, since your such an intellect, and anybody to the left of you are pea brains, why are spending so much time attacking the messengers and not the substance presented to you? You'd been given examples and evidense, were still waiting....Or are you an example of your avatar...A Joker.

Lol, what substance would you be referring too? You have put forth nothing of substance.


Well-Known Member
I think the fact that you find it comical doesn't say a whole lot good about you. At one time I thought you were basically a decent guy who I just disagreed with about some issues. I'm starting to think that it's more than that. And no, it doesn't strike a nerve with me Brett, I meet people like you all the time and I've gotten used to it. Just kinda disappointing I guess.

So you've decided you have the psychic ability of miss cleo, and can read into my life based on a simple animated gif posting and somebody else's comments regarding that picture on a web site I have never visited? Interesting...Now can you tell me if I will ever strike it rich playing the lottery?



Well-Known Member
Lol, what substance would you be referring too? You have put forth nothing of substance.

Here's my substance on your Hero's employer !


***looks like the edit nazi has

And here's my substance towards your Hero:


And here's my substance to your avatar:


I think he's crying....again!.......:biting:


Ok, Tie, so DC officials are wrap up in one of your conspiracy thoeries

That would be an attempt to divert me away from my point. I'm not promoting conspiracy theories here.

What I am promoting is a scale developed by those DC Officials that was accurate when the Obama folks came to town but now no longer seems to apply.

fact check

Well-Known Member
That would be an attempt to divert me away from my point. I'm not promoting conspiracy theories here.

What I am promoting is a scale developed by those DC Officials that was accurate when the Obama folks came to town but now no longer seems to apply.
Darn that reality.


Well-Known Member
Here's my substance on your Hero's employer !


***looks like the edit nazi has

And here's my substance towards your Hero:


And here's my substance to your avatar:


I think he's crying....again!.......:biting:

Still waiting on that substance...


Well-Known Member
My apologies to the moderaters to have to take the time out of their day to edit Glen Beck's photo with his house robe and night cap that Brett complained about... You know I'm thinking about using Glen Beck's ugly mug as the murderous Joker for my avatar, but that would be a deservice and a misrepresentation towards Cheryl and her website. Couth prevails though...

Lol, what substance would you be referring too? You have put forth nothing of substance.

Still waiting on that substance...

About this substance thing ......Post #36 and post #39 was presented to Brett as conservative race baiting, however Brett chose not to respond. All Brett had to contribute was :

The only trumped up racism remarks are coming from you and your ilk. Anyone who disagrees with the President is labeled a racist. Although nobody seems to be able to prove it beyond the name calling.

Now you've been giving examples of conservative mouthpieces displaying racism, including your messiah Beck, accusing the President of the US of hating white people. These examples are called substance.
When Kanye West accused Bush of hating black people back during Hurricane Katrina, did thoughts of pink unicorns magically appeared in your mindset....or that Kanye has some racial issues.....