Well thanks for the info. I did not know I would start such a stir among the posters, or at least some of them.
I was just curious.
I think this is a good site mainly because there is a lot of good information that is shared. I know that there are many different positions represented here and I see that there are many concerns being brought up that I can address in my building before they become concerns.
There is also a lot of good information about a variety of things from benefits, to new hires, to workers comp. Unfortunately like any website, you have to filter out the junk from the good information.
It is great to hear from new hires because they bring a fresh set of eyes to the operation that the veterans take for granted.
There is good information from retirees who may think they no longer have a voice within UPS, but they have some good experience that would otherwise go un heard.
Yes, even the UPS haters who work for big brown have some input. It may seem negative to many, but they still have concerns that are being voiced and those who can provide answers try to help out the best they can.
It is great to hear from international UPSers who otherwise I would never have the opportunity to meet.
This type of forum would be great to have in the real UPS because we could solve many problems in the work place. It just seems to be that people fall into one of many categories in the work place and issues and concerns that could be addressed and corrected never seem to be even brought up. There are certain things that will never change or are beyond the ability of the operator to change. Pay for instance, bound by the contract. Other things can be solved and can be prevented from even becoming an issue. Some of the categories I have seen are as follows:
Labeled as: Type of employee:
Complainers: Those who hate UPS, but have been employed to long to find new jobs. Those who will never be happy even if everyone in management quit and let the hourlies run the show.
"Poor" Management: Those who run the show, think they have all the answers and it is their way or the highway. Yes we have poeple like this at UPS. Only concerned about the bottom line.
"Good" Management: Those who are genuinely concerned about the well being of their employees and the success of the company. Often beat down by the old time management and made to change into the "Poor" category. Only the strong can make a difference.
Non Complainers: Those who do the job everyday, come in on time and never complain about anything. Usually the most used for everything until they are so worn out that they finally say something, then they fall into the complianer category.
Contract thumpers: Those who will pull out the contract and thump it to pieces, unless it does not benefit them, then they are the first to say things aren't fair.
If everyone (including management, hourlies, pilots, mechanics, general offices, feeders, hubs, centers, ground handlers, and all the way up and down the chain) would understand that people do not want to fail, people make mistakes, things happen beyond our control, people are not machines, and that we are all working for the same goal, then this company would be better than any other Fortune 500 company out there. We all should be working together to ensure that we have a company that will survive long into the future. We all should have no problem referring our friends, our family, and our children to work at UPS. After all we are one big team, family if you will, reaching around the globe to do what it takes to provide a service to our customers. It should not take a natural disaster, like Katrina, to see the UPS spirit of teamwork go into effect. It should be like that every day.
After all we are still UPSers.