Has Hoffa and the IBT surrendered?


Browncafe Steward

Tdu has an article saying that hall said 2009 was not a good year to enforce our contracts. Well I did a little researching on this. I have spent several hours doing so, so here it is, it is long but broken down for you.

Feb 09, we had 5-22.3 cases on panel, N-11-09, N-17-09, N-37-09, N-38-09 and N-39-09 these cases can be found on pgs 7,8 and 12 all 5 postponed. 100-9.5 infractions, what a joke pages 29 thru 45 have the 9.5s docketed. What a joke, just look at the rulings. They start on page 18 thru 30.

https://web.archive.org/web/20101221114120/http://tdu.org/files/nationalfeb2009.pdf This is the docket
https://web.archive.org/web/20101221113823/http://tdu.org/files/ngcminutes-feb09.pdf Decisions from Feb 09.

Then again in June of 09 we had 14-22.3 cases, 1 withdrawn with rights and 1 on in error, 12 postponed including 4 of the original 5. N-17-09 pg4, N-37-09 pg4, N-38-09 pg4, N-155-09 pg7, M-156-09 pg7, N-195-09 pg13, N-213-09 pg16, N-218-09 pg18, N-219-09 pg 18, N-222-09 pg18, N-229-09 pg20, N231-09 pg20, N-233-09- pg21 and N-286-09 pg 39.

Now we go to october of 2009 and we have 17 22.3 cases, 4 of the original form feb, 11from June and 6 new cases postponed N 286-09 pg8, N-297-09 pg8, N-313-09 pg13, N-314-09 pg13, N-322-09 pg14 and N-345-09 pg17, with N-311-09 having been ruled on in favor of the company.

Another 65-9.5s pages 28 thru 36, what a joke.

https://web.archive.org/web/20101221114010/http://tdu.org/files/Minutes-National-October-2009-2.pdf Oct decisions

And than comes March 2010

Ill keep it simple for you, we have 26-22.3 cases now with the new cases starting as docket N10-03 from page 13 thru 28. 22 different locals have 22.3 cases at panel. The first of the case paneled 13 months ago from marchs panel and only 1 case has been heard.

We have another 51-9.5 cases on pages 42 thru 49.

https://web.archive.org/web/20101221113936/http://tdu.org/files/National-March-2010_0.pdf Marchs docket
https://web.archive.org/web/20100615221731/http://tdu.org/files/Minutes -- National March 2010.pdf Marchs decisions.

If they have not surrendered what would you call it?

Sorry its long, but its worth reading and talking about at work!!!


Well-Known Member
I know how you feel. We feel like the union is weak in my center as a driver group. We arent losing cases but Management is still getting away w/ murder. I got harrased badly last year. Many punishments recieved none really stuck but in a reallity I should be able to sue them for how they treated me. At one point I set my diad down on the DMs desk and left for 2 weeks because of the harrassment got so intense. The union said they are afraid that I will be gotten rid of I continue down this path. I said what path Im being targeted. They agreed w/ me being targeted but still said I needed to get off the radar and off this path. The only thing that made the harrasment go away is alot of prayer. I didnt change what I was doing. The union doesnt seem to have any balls anymore at times. UPS shouldnt be able to get treat people in the manor they do. I remember when I first started our union at the time wouldnt stand for that crap. What makes it ok now? Either way I will be fighting for whats right as long as the Lord allows.


Staff member
I know how you feel. We feel like the union is weak in my center as a driver group. We arent losing cases but Management is still getting away w/ murder. I got harrased badly last year. Many punishments recieved none really stuck but in a reallity I should be able to sue them for how they treated me. At one point I set my diad down on the DMs desk and left for 2 weeks because of the harrassment got so intense. The union said they are afraid that I will be gotten rid of I continue down this path. I said what path Im being targeted. They agreed w/ me being targeted but still said I needed to get off the radar and off this path. The only thing that made the harrasment go away is alot of prayer. I didnt change what I was doing. The union doesnt seem to have any balls anymore at times. UPS shouldnt be able to get treat people in the manor they do. I remember when I first started our union at the time wouldnt stand for that crap. What makes it ok now? Either way I will be fighting for whats right as long as the Lord allows.
You just prayed a lot and they stopped bothering you? You should write that prayer down and copyright it!
I generally try the Star Wars move - "These are not the droids you are looking for", but I've had limited success with it which could be entirely coincidental.


Strength through joy
I know how you feel. We feel like the union is weak in my center as a driver group. We arent losing cases but Management is still getting away w/ murder. I got harrased badly last year. Many punishments recieved none really stuck but in a reallity I should be able to sue them for how they treated me. At one point I set my diad down on the DMs desk and left for 2 weeks because of the harrassment got so intense. The union said they are afraid that I will be gotten rid of I continue down this path. I said what path Im being targeted. They agreed w/ me being targeted but still said I needed to get off the radar and off this path. The only thing that made the harrasment go away is alot of prayer. I didnt change what I was doing. The union doesnt seem to have any balls anymore at times. UPS shouldnt be able to get treat people in the manor they do. I remember when I first started our union at the time wouldnt stand for that crap. What makes it ok now? Either way I will be fighting for whats right as long as the Lord allows.

the downfall of our union started when people became PC, what we need is to bring back the old leg breaking goons types to run our union.
Mind you they weren't pretty but nobody messed with them.


Browncafe Steward
I was tired when I posted that last night. Hall said its the members and local offcials fault for noe bringing good cases or having any facts. Are we to believe that 22 locals and 26 cases that not 1 of them is a good case? Now I understand that there are bad cases and lazy agents and members that dont give goood grievances, but 1 of those 22.3 cases has to have merit, im assuming all 26 do and Hall had buckled to the company. Just read those decisions, 9.5 grievances upheld, will reduce paid day but no pay? ***!! No pay means they will continue to violate the driver.

All of those 9.5s if the union would understand means more full time jobs, lowered paid days equals more routes. Its not brain surgery!

How about all the subcontracting cases, our work being done by scabs. By reading the dockets, decisions and ssing the cases being postpones equals that our IBT leadership is weak and in bed with UPS. 4 poctponed 22.3 cases for over 13 months, uncalled for, pension plans are being robbed of those payments, part timers looking to go fukll time are being robbed. Yet Hoffa made $362,000 last year, while companies like YRC took pension frezzes adn gave back 10% wages, now ABF is trying the same. How long will we let this continue?



Well-Known Member
Red we will just have to keep fighting to try and make a difference. We dont seem to be winning most of our grievances vs the company that I feel we should be winning. Im still waiting to find out what happend w/ one I filed back in June 09. Red you are doing a good job of educating people about what is going on. Just keep fighting the good fight bro. I got your back on the Left coast.


Well-Known Member
You just prayed a lot and they stopped bothering you? You should write that prayer down and copyright it!
I generally try the Star Wars move - "These are not the droids you are looking for", but I've had limited success with it which could be entirely coincidental.

LOL!!!! +1..........Prayers go a long ways bro. I have litteraly done nothing different from what I was doing. They stopped following me as much, making stuff up, lowered my stop count by 15 a day, and as of late have been talking to me w/ respect. Now when they observe me instead of making a bunch of stuff up they say how good Im doing and if they dont see whether I grabbed a hand rail or folded a mirror in they assume I did it instead of that I didnt. JC has an amazing amount of power everywhere if you believe.


Well-Known Member
I know how you feel. We feel like the union is weak in my center as a driver group. We arent losing cases but Management is still getting away w/ murder. I got harrased badly last year. Many punishments recieved none really stuck but in a reallity I should be able to sue them for how they treated me. At one point I set my diad down on the DMs desk and left for 2 weeks because of the harrassment got so intense. The union said they are afraid that I will be gotten rid of I continue down this path. I said what path Im being targeted. They agreed w/ me being targeted but still said I needed to get off the radar and off this path. The only thing that made the harrasment go away is alot of prayer. I didnt change what I was doing. The union doesnt seem to have any balls anymore at times. UPS shouldnt be able to get treat people in the manor they do. I remember when I first started our union at the time wouldnt stand for that crap. What makes it ok now? Either way I will be fighting for whats right as long as the Lord allows.

I don't know you and i surely do not want to, but all i am reading from you is the company is no good, the union is no good, maybe you should look in the mirror, sounds to me like you are the common problem in every post. The union is there to negotiate and enforce the collective bargaining agreement, protect members rights if violated, they are not there to agree with everything that you think is a problem. Their job is also to protect its members by telling them when they are headed down the wrong path, by your own statement they have done that with you and now you call them weak because you did not here what YOU wanted to here. I am sure there have been closed door meetings between the company and the union about you and the record you have made, at which point i would think the union acted in your best interest and told you to straighten out. Its up to you to listen to them or not your choice, but you can never say you weren't warned or told of the consequences. As far as the word Harassment that you use very loosely, do you even know what it means, in Websters dictionary the sub meaning of the word is " to set dog upon".
I am a Christian and i believe in the Lord and am a God fearing man, Prayer is always good but the record that you made at UPS is from you not the Lord. Just my opinion. Good Luck


Retired 23 years
the downfall of our union started when people became PC, what we need is to bring back the old leg breaking goons types to run our union.
Mind you they weren't pretty but nobody messed with them.

Reminds me of the time 2 of these "types" walked into our building during the AM speech and introduced themselves as so and so "the bad :censored2: from the union". Both of them were about 150 lbs overweight, dressed to the 9's and smoking big cigars. We all commented afterwords that they looked like they were auditioning for a Hollywood movie.


Well-Known Member
I. The union is there to negotiate and enforce the collective bargaining agreement, protect members rights if violated,

Acording to the National Contract pg 64 Article 22 it says, in part, "The number of jobs create under Article 22, Section 3....Agreements shall not be reduced"
I have just lost part of my combo job, permanently, and this is the second time this has happened, and yes there is enough work for me to do.
You call this enforcing the collective bargaining agreement and protecting members (my) rights if violated? My rights have been viloated but there is nothing I can do, the union has agreed to this and it's done and done.
Please explain this to me because I must not understand it.


Well-Known Member
Acording to the National Contract pg 64 Article 22 it says, in part, "The number of jobs create under Article 22, Section 3....Agreements shall not be reduced"
I have just lost part of my combo job, permanently, and this is the second time this has happened, and yes there is enough work for me to do.
You call this enforcing the collective bargaining agreement and protecting members (my) rights if violated? My rights have been viloated but there is nothing I can do, the union has agreed to this and it's done and done.
Please explain this to me because I must not understand it.

Do not know your situation or how it came about, but the day to day running of the company is solely managements responsibility, it is also in the contract, you said there is enough work for you....... it looks like you made that decision and you do not have that right or authority. Sorry for being so crude with my statements.


Browncafe Steward
Do not know your situation or how it came about, but the day to day running of the company is solely managements responsibility, it is also in the contract, you said there is enough work for you....... it looks like you made that decision and you do not have that right or authority. Sorry for being so crude with my statements.

What is in teh contract that allow UPS to reduce the number of 22.3 jobs? Hoffa has now awakened a sleeping giant! 20,000 22.3's that are working or lost their jobs will now be voting, a little hint? It wont be for him!


Well-Known Member
Feth, My BA is on the National 22.3 greivance comm. He has assured me that this is a work in progress and could take awhile. We "lost" some 22.3 jobs and are fighting it. It is a long process but we are not giving in....that probably is not making you feel better right now but I will try to give you any info I have. Good luck


Well-Known Member
What is in teh contract that allow UPS to reduce the number of 22.3 jobs? Hoffa has now awakened a sleeping giant! 20,000 22.3's that are working or lost their jobs will now be voting, a little hint? It wont be for him!

Volume..... dictates jobs.... it always has, reduced volume means reduced jobs, increased volume means more jobs. Its in everybodys best interest to try and recapture the volume that was lost to the non union carriers.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE=2 Units;712266]Do not know your situation or how it came about, but the day to day running of the company is solely managements responsibility, it is also in the contract, you said there is enough work for you....... it looks like you made that decision and you do not have that right or authority. Sorry for being so crude with my statements.[/QUOTE]

I understand the part of about volume and layoffs. I made the decision to accept the re-configured job that was offered and now that is gone too. I don't know what you mean by having the right or authority.. what right, what authority? Let me try to "figger" it out. The decision to work my 8 hrs that are gauranteed, and the right or authority to do the work? Is that it?
[QUOTE=2 Units;712266]Do not know your situation or how it came about, but the day to day running of the company is solely managements responsibility, it is also in the contract, you said there is enough work for you....... it looks like you made that decision and you do not have that right or authority. Sorry for being so crude with my statements.

I understand the part of about volume and layoffs. I made the decision to accept the re-configured job that was offered and now that is gone too. I don't know what you mean by having the right or authority.. what right, what authority? Let me try to "figger" it out. The decision to work my 8 hrs that are gauranteed, and the right or authority to do the work? Is that it?[/QUOTE]

don't bother arguing or trying to get a clear answer, just look at his member name. 2 units == management == never give clear, focus, concise answers. just the normal drival that's no help to employees


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE=2 Units;712266]Do not know your situation or how it came about, but the day to day running of the company is solely managements responsibility, it is also in the contract, you said there is enough work for you....... it looks like you made that decision and you do not have that right or authority. Sorry for being so crude with my statements.

I understand the part of about volume and layoffs. I made the decision to accept the re-configured job that was offered and now that is gone too. I don't know what you mean by having the right or authority.. what right, what authority? Let me try to "figger" it out. The decision to work my 8 hrs that are gauranteed, and the right or authority to do the work? Is that it?[/QUOTE]

I would think that the work is no longer there or has been reassigned somewhere else.... i hope it works out for you


Well-Known Member

I understand the part of about volume and layoffs. I made the decision to accept the re-configured job that was offered and now that is gone too. I don't know what you mean by having the right or authority.. what right, what authority? Let me try to "figger" it out. The decision to work my 8 hrs that are gauranteed, and the right or authority to do the work? Is that it?

don't bother arguing or trying to get a clear answer, just look at his member name. 2 units == management == never give clear, focus, concise answers. just the normal drival that's no help to employees[/QUOTE]

Straight answers, right to the point, problem is employees are not always getting the answers they want to here. By the way have you looked at your member name????


Well-Known Member
I hear that about the answers and I'm not just trying to get answers I want to hear, I can read between the lines. Yes I have looked at my member name, why do you ask? Thanks too.