Hilary Clinton


golden ticket member
What did the ‪DNC Leaks‬ reveal?

WIDESPREAD INSTITUTIONAL RACISM against blacks, Hispanics, Jews, homosexuals,
targeting Sanders, sending protesters out to target Trump,
discussing placing craigslist ads to frame Trump,
Selling federal positions for donations (isn't that a crime),
media collusion,
saying Hillary wanted to keep her voters ignorant and much more.
Hillary pays trolls to comment on social media on her behalf.
ask that hairy guy in prison....Blogojevik (sp)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Same reaction the 12 people that showed up at a Hillary rally had.

PSST... take a look at these numbers.... does this look like it fits your narative? Dont try so hard...



Well-Known Member
They just brainstormed and said let's pick someone who's like Howdy Doody.

I think they put a little more thought into it. they were looking for someone who's personality and charisma would not overshadow Hillary. the pickings were clearly slim.


golden ticket member
Hilary was making a big deal about Trump ties being made out of this country.....so was the pantsuit she was wearing!!!!
Business people have to turn a profit and the rules and regulations here make that impossible.


Hilary was making a big deal about Trump ties being made out of this country.....so was the pantsuit she was wearing!!!!
Business people have to turn a profit and the rules and regulations here make that impossible.

That pantsuit she was wearing is outta this world.


Well-Known Member
refresher on why some are voting democrat

10.) I’m voting Democrat because I want the government out of my sex life, unless they are paying for my birth control.
9.) I’m voting Democrat because I believe voter I.D laws are racist, but telling black people they aren’t as capable as white people to get an I.D is not.
8.) I’m voting Democrat because they are the party of tolerance, unless you say something they disagree with.
7.) I’m voting Democrat because I support Freedom of Speech, as long as no one is offended by it, of course.
6.) I’m voting Democrat because they live in gated communities for protection, but they believe a border fence won’t work.
5.) I’m voting Democrat because they think Fox News lies, but they get all of their news from Comedy Central.
4.) I’m voting Democrat because they think American citizens don’t need to own guns, but they are perfectly fine with Iraq having Nukes.
3.) I’m voting Democrat because all republicans are racist, even though Democrats started the KKK and Jim Crow laws.
2.) I’m voting Democrat because Bush added 4 Trillion to our National Debt, even though Obama has added 10 Trillion.

and finally, the number one reason I will vote Democrat is…

1.) I’m voting Democrat because they are against Christians who disagree with the gay lifestyle, but won’t say a damn word about Muslims who kill gay people every day.

Top 10 Reasons Why I'll Be Voting Democrat This Year, And Why You Should Too! ⋆ Dc Gazette

10 point

Well-Known Member
Hilary was making a big deal about Trump ties being made out of this country.....so was the pantsuit she was wearing!!!!
Business people have to turn a profit and the rules and regulations here make that impossible.
I thought that was union made...
by Goodyear.