How is amazon prime week for everyone?


Im not the Mail Man!
My max was 425 stops with 632 pieces. 90% resi route. It didn’t fit.....had to tow a tp60 out to my golf course and drop it in the morning and come back at 5pm and transfer the trailer into my truck.

It was a few peaks ago....when we were hell on earth. It was 399 day one, 405 day two, and 425 day three. After that it was a daily decline.

As far as us right now....we’ve been running helper teams since last week and everyone is maxing out.

No amazon flex in my neck of the woods, so it’s either us or the post office delivering it. Pretty crazy.

trailer loader

Trailer Loader
as an inside trailer loader, Monday and Tuesday, not so bad, expecting a big jump in volume for the rest of the week, Lost a loader on our belt tonight, he took the walk of shame with loss prevention.

Brown Biscuit

Blind every day
I recently won a training route bid. There are other training routes in my center, so I don’t mind it as long as they’re rotating fairly! This week has been surprisingly light so far, just under 300 pieces a day. I’m sure it’s going to get worse.


Active Member
Normally work on twilight. Preloaded today now going to driver help then do my normal inside shift. I should have at least five hours of 1.5 time at top rate since out of peak. I love prime day. I'm on for the rest of the week too.


Well-Known Member
Are you in Clairemont or Chula?


Why do you live in SD also?


Retired 22 years
It was brutal today. Some guys had 400+ stops.
I had 360 stops one time during peak---and that was back when we had it tough. We didn't have no fancy computer telling us what the next stop was, how many packages you had for it or what the directions were to get to it. Damn we had it tough.

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
Driving back home I saw a wave of 7 unmarked white vans following too close right behind each other. The amazon subcontractors must be out in full force.
Eh, bagged 1300 pieces last night. Kinda had an off day. Would've done more if I was focused and if the lazy whiney :censored2:s stayed out of my way. Lots of very light smalls, mostly mailers.