I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Well-Known Member
2 much power for 1 man



Well-Known Member
it was the best of times it was the worst of times

Richard D. Wolff



It is so cute to watch the billionaires playing with their billions, going on a space trip and all. It's far more fun than Covid-19 or unemployment or obscene inequality. Oh wait, it is obscene inequality. #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism

Fly me to the Moon: Japan billionaire offers space seats
It's the sort of chance that comes along just once in a blue Moon: a Japanese billionaire is throwing open a private lunar expedition to eight people from around the world.



Well-Known Member
it was the best of times it was the worst of times

Richard D. Wolff


It is so cute to watch the billionaires playing with their billions, going on a space trip and all. It's far more fun than Covid-19 or unemployment or obscene inequality. Oh wait, it is obscene inequality. #WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism

Fly me to the Moon: Japan billionaire offers space seats
It's the sort of chance that comes along just once in a blue Moon: a Japanese billionaire is throwing open a private lunar expedition to eight people from around the world.


Well-Known Member
this is the destruction of the middle class.

so this house has gone up 100x in value since they bought it in 1960. however wages have not gone up the same amount theyve gone up much less, and since 1989 wages havent risen adjusted for inflation. so instead of being able to do something fun with ur income, we are spending more of it on debt. we are debt servants. we are not free. the banks likely have record profits. debt servitude makes for obedient workers.


Well-Known Member
the other guy movie came out in 2010 and was directed and written by successful socialist director adam mckay. at some point in the movie they make of the market failure which is the toyota prius and why these capitalist companies have such poor styling:

Terry Hoitz: What is this?
Allen Gamble: It's my car; it's a Prius.
Terry Hoitz: I feel like we're literally driving around in a vagina.


Well-Known Member

cool explanation about some of karl marx's philosophy and how it ties into the matrix trilogy. i get a little confused around matrix revolutions explanation.


Well-Known Member
war criminal lovin, dracos lesbo ellen degeneres loses 1 million viewers after reports of toxic workplace.

capitalism concentrates power into too few hands and it corrupts. part of the cure for captialism is to spread the power out amongst the workers.


Well-Known Member
on the dating apps alot of the babes have soulless model type photos.

cornel west says we live in a culture of spiritual death.

what are model corporations saying to us in their photos? are their photos that of psychopathic :censored2:s?