I know you have an answer

Go Brown Or Go Home!

Well-Known Member
Got some sneaky sups in are center. How do these guys get away with trying to send out a seasonal hire on a training route on his own when you have full time perm guys still in there 40 trying to make book but we're sent home. We're told that we have the day off. Isn't the first time this happened in the last couple weeks. They tried to get us to leave even before pcm so as not to see the seasonals leave on route. I even questioned the on car sup and he looked like a deer in headlights.
I did talk to a steward and he said not to make waves while in your 40 but that got me pretty heated up.
Got some sneaky sups in are center. How do these guys get away with trying to send out a seasonal hire on a training route on his own when you have full time perm guys still in there 40 trying to make book but we're sent home. We're told that we have the day off. Isn't the first time this happened in the last couple weeks. They tried to get us to leave even before pcm so as not to see the seasonals leave on route. I even questioned the on car sup and he looked like a deer in headlights.
I did talk to a steward and he said not to make waves while in your 40 but that got me pretty heated up.
You need to talk,to your BA. dont make waves,dont file a grievance. He needs to be there In the morning,to see it first hand!

Go Brown Or Go Home!

Well-Known Member
Didn't realize we could do that. I'm gonna have the steward watch for himself tomorrow and see if he'll file. I'm trying to stay off the radar but unfortunately I'm to out spoken for that. I did tell the guy that just made book to file but he says he wants to "pick his battles" I don't agree with it but he can do as he wants.


Active Member
Because they need to know how to do their job before peak actually starts and the clock is ticking down.

Don't worry your bread is going to be made.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Seasonals shbould not work ahead,of union employees. Maybe these guys didnt qualify yet. But they are stil union employees,who pay dues.
No I understand. Just letting them know. No one is qualifying now.

This is obviously a hard situation. We complain that there is never enough help come peak. Well they are trying to hire that help and the help needs to be trained.


Livin the cardboard dream
I couldn't find anything in the master about peak season rules so it must be in your Supplements, Riders, or Addendum's. I know in the NW UPS has a lot of freedom to get the work done with sups and peak hires.