if you don't fabricate we wont acquit

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
"Former federal prosecutors contacted by NBC News said they believe Corsi's claims against Mueller have no merit.

"Filing a complaint based on Corsi's version of the truth abuses the role of the inspector general to ferret out wrongdoing within DOJ and seems to be more of a public relations stunt than a meritorious concern," said Daniel Goldman, a former federal prosecutor who is now a legal analyst for NBC News and MSNBC.

Mimi Rocah, who served as an assistant U.S. attorney for New York's Southern District, described Corsi's claims as "patently ridiculous."

"This is somebody who doesn't like the fact that he's being caught in his lies," said Rocah, now a Pace University law professor and legal analyst for NBC News and MSNBC."



Well-Known Member
"Former federal prosecutors contacted by NBC News said they believe Corsi's claims against Mueller have no merit.

"Filing a complaint based on Corsi's version of the truth abuses the role of the inspector general to ferret out wrongdoing within DOJ and seems to be more of a public relations stunt than a meritorious concern," said Daniel Goldman, a former federal prosecutor who is now a legal analyst for NBC News and MSNBC.

Mimi Rocah, who served as an assistant U.S. attorney for New York's Southern District, described Corsi's claims as "patently ridiculous."

"This is somebody who doesn't like the fact that he's being caught in his lies," said Rocah, now a Pace University law professor and legal analyst for NBC News and MSNBC."


of course it has no merit , our system allows prosecuters to threaten and coerce contrived confessions. its our system of "justice"

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
What in the world will you do when Trump ‘steps down’?

Trump has 2 years to make an intelligent move if Senate Republicans won't vote to convict him when the House impeaches. The Office of the Presidency is the only reason he hasn't been indicted for the campaign finance violations of "Individual 1" outlined in the Cohen memo. And there's likely to be so much more to come that he would have been indicted for as an ordinary citizen.

Trump can't get a pardon unless Pence becomes President. And we know a pardon doesn't solve all of his problems (eg: NY is coming for him), but it would be better than not getting one.

The next Democratic President isn't doing it, so Trump will have to make Pence President before his term expires.

Will be interesting to see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Trump has 2 years to make an intelligent move if Senate Republicans won't vote to convict him when the House impeaches. The Office of the Presidency is the only reason he hasn't been indicted for the campaign finance violations of "Individual 1" outlined in the Cohen memo. And there's likely to be so much more to come that he would have been indicted for as an ordinary citizen.

Trump can't get a pardon unless Pence becomes President. And we know a pardon doesn't solve all of his problems (eg: NY is coming for him), but it would be better than not getting one.

The next Democratic President isn't doing it, so Trump will have to make Pence President before his term expires.

Will be interesting to see what happens.

wishful thinking , you cant go to jail for being the political opposition of snowflakes.


Well-Known Member
wishful thinking , you cant go to jail for being
the political opposition of snowflakes.

What does that even mean?

At this point, you’re rationalizing in a similar fashion to my two-year old.

Little guy takes his naps and eats his broccoli.

(Or butternut squash).

Nothing will save Dear Leader from the law.

(The same law that just couldn’t get HRC, for lack of prosecutable crimes, etc...)

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Do you really believe that or do you just like trolling Repubs?

Republicans control the entire federal government. If Hillary truly committed prosecutable crimes, they would have already done something about it. Hillary in handcuffs: a total Republican wet dream. If there is evidence, Republicans should drag her out of bed tonight and charge her.

To me, it doesn't matter which party is getting indicted for it. Crime is crime.


Well-Known Member
Republicans control the entire federal government. If Hillary truly committed prosecutable crimes, they would have already done something about it. Hillary in handcuffs: a total Republican wet dream. If there is evidence, Republicans should drag her out of bed tonight and charge her.

To me, it doesn't matter which party is getting indicted for it. Crime is crime.
And it is at the discretion of the Attorney General to bring up charges. Not the President, not Congress. We had an AG who refused to do so. Let's see if the next one will.