The article says the employees had fraudulent social security cards. If so then it would be real easy to get hired. We require a valid social security card and photo ID to legally be able to hire someone.
Tie - this slightly off topic but I learned something new while attending a recently panel hearing.
New employees must check off a box indicating whether they have been convicted of a felony regardless of circumstance when applying for employment. The point being meaning of "regardless of circumstance". Legally, an individual that has their record cleared of a felony would be under no obligation to report the conviction. If an employer conducted a background check, the report would come back has clear of felonies. However, the company has the ability through TSA to check felony convictions that have been expunged and sealed from an individuals record.
If an employee files an application by legally answering questions and company hires that individual, should the company be allowed to terminate an employee for falsification of records. They had the ability to determine whether the employee failed to list expunged felonies before they were hired.
Relating to this case, the IRS reports non-matching name/SSN to employers. Either UPS or Spherion knew that illegals were employed.
Your thoughts