

Nine Lives
State's Highest Court Considers Constitutionality Of Some Immigration Detainers...

'Can local law enforcement agencies detain someone at the request of federal immigration authorities, or is that in violation of the Massachusetts state constitution?

That was the question before the state's highest court on Monday in the case of Commonwealth v. Lunn — a Cambodian national who was detained by state court officers at the request of federal immigration officials, even though Lunn's state criminal case had been dismissed..'

"At its core, this case is about how much authority local police and local courts have when it comes to honoring what are called ICE detainers.

So, an ICE detainer is a voluntary request from the federal government to hold a person in custody whose criminal case has been settled, meaning the charges have been dismissed, they've posted bail, or their jail sentence has been completed. And so, a detainer gives ICE up to two days to look into a person's immigration status and potentially pursue deportation ... while that person remains in custody.

And this is what's at question — are local law enforcement and courts constitutionally allowed to detain someone who otherwise is free to go — based solely on this request from ICE."
Are you sure this is the right thread?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
No more skilled people will be needed to access all these devices .
jobs, jobs , jobs
There won't be devices to inspect if no one wants to come here.
Are these new inspectors going to be CBP officers or more idiots from the TSA? Total waste of time for customs agents and the TSA is the biggest waste of money in the government today.


Strength through joy
There won't be devices to inspect if no one wants to come here.
Are these new inspectors going to be CBP officers or more idiots from the TSA? Total waste of time for customs agents and the TSA is the biggest waste of money in the government today.
People always want to come here, unfortunately too many attempt to stay here and never go back home .


Well-Known Member
So Trump initially wanted a 90 day freeze to figure out "what was going on" with immigration from these countries. Has he figured it out yet? Does he know what needs to be "fixed" yet?

you trying to immigrate some Iranians ? Does anyone in this country really care about immigrating people in this country other then to further some political argument?


Inordinately Right
you trying to immigrate some Iranians ? Does anyone in this country really care about immigrating people in this country other then to further some political argument?
Anyone who wants to collect social security in 20+ years should be at least a little interested in immigrating people into this country.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who wants to collect social security in 20+ years should be at least a little interested in immigrating people into this country.
Let's start by allowing in highly educated and experienced workers who add value to our economy. As for those here illegally, let's focus on removing the criminal element.


Strength through joy
Why not create a military draft ?
Enlist all Syrian refugees males from 18-45 years .
Train them to fight and ship them back to the Middle East .
Win the war and maybe we'll think about giving you a permanent green card .


Nine Lives
Why not create a military draft ?
Enlist all Syrian refugees males from 18-45 years .
Train them to fight and ship them back to the Middle East .
Win the war and maybe we'll think about giving you a permanent green card .
That is a default working solution these days.
Serve in the military and get citizenship ... many Hispanics do it.


Inordinately Right
Why not create a military draft ?
Enlist all Syrian refugees males from 18-45 years .
Train them to fight and ship them back to the Middle East .
Win the war and maybe we'll think about giving you a permanent green card .
So we can't let refugees in because they might be terrorists. But we should give them military training, send them back to their country, put weapons in their hands and embed them with our troops.....


Bad Moon Risen'
So we can't let refugees in because they might be terrorists. But we should give them military training, send them back to their country, put weapons in their hands and embed them with our troops.....
What could possibly go wrong?
Just give each refugee one bullet ala Barney Fife.


Strength through joy
I never said embed them with our troops .
I said win the war .
These men fled their own country instead of defending it .
If they want themselves and their families to live here in safety , then they must make the sacrifices that all others before them had to make .
Freedom is not free.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who wants to collect social security in 20+ years should be at least a little interested in immigrating people into this country.
The U.S. lets about a million or so in legally every year. It's any nation's sovereign right and obligation to control it's borders for the safety and security of it's citizens. Even the biggest ships can be swamped if they carry too much weight. Do you think it's fair that American workers with mortgages and car payments, etc are squeezed out by workers willing to work for much less? It's assumed that those workers are up here for a better life, etc. Many come up here with the strategy to live as cheaply as possible, often sharing expenses with many others, and sending money home to build homes and businesses. And hurting our workers in the meantime.


Well-Known Member
The U.S. lets about a million or so in legally every year. It's any nation's sovereign right and obligation to control it's borders for the safety and security of it's citizens. Even the biggest ships can be swamped if they carry too much weight. Do you think it's fair that American workers with mortgages and car payments, etc are squeezed out by workers willing to work for much less? It's assumed that those workers are up here for a better life, etc. Many come up here with the strategy to live as cheaply as possible, often sharing expenses with many others, and sending money home to build homes and businesses. And hurting our workers in the meantime.
That's capitalism for you. The undocumented are not the ones hurting the American worker, American business owners are though. And anyone who hires the cheapest labor they can for that matter.