
Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Illegal entrance tax. Come clean, vet for criminal activity then regularize. Return to pre 1965 immigration levels to allow assimilation. You got it blue grass, baseball, apple pie along with liberty, responsibility, and individualism. Yes all cultures have value including America.


Well-Known Member
I'll say it again.
Remittances .
Mar 20, 2017 - Last year, Mexico received $27 billion in remittances -- a record high and far more than what the country got from its oil exports, $18.7 billion according to Mexico's central bank. ( Mexico remittances: I send money home to Mexico to support family )
Oklahoma charges a fee .
Why can't Trump do the same , thus making Mexico pay for the wall ?

I think that's on the table. Trumps a negotiator , mexico paying for the wall is one piece of leverage for what he really wants which I think is a much more favorable trade agreement.


Inordinately Right
I'll say it again.
Remittances .
Mar 20, 2017 - Last year, Mexico received $27 billion in remittances -- a record high and far more than what the country got from its oil exports, $18.7 billion according to Mexico's central bank. ( Mexico remittances: I send money home to Mexico to support family )
Oklahoma charges a fee .
Why can't Trump do the same , thus making Mexico pay for the wall ?


Well-Known Member
below is what we call a source. it can provide actual clarity and works better then a speech.

Trump border wall construction to start in San Diego by September
Did you read the article or just the headline, cause the article proves my point. There is no money allocated for a wall, and they allocated relative pennies for companies to build wall proto types. lol It is the definition of meaningless symbolism just like I have been saying.

Trump and republicans had a choice, either allocate the many many billions its going to take to actually build that stupid wall or do a stupid P.R. stunt where they get headlines that say Trump's wall being built in San Diego, even though those are just proto types of the wall.

It be like saying the ACA was done not because the Democrats in Congress wrote and passed a bill that set aside money and raised taxes to actually pay for the ACA, but because they set aside symbolic money so companies could come in and create pro type websites that customers in the future may use on the future healthcare bill. lol


Well-Known Member
I'll say it again.
Remittances .
Mar 20, 2017 - Last year, Mexico received $27 billion in remittances -- a record high and far more than what the country got from its oil exports, $18.7 billion according to Mexico's central bank. ( Mexico remittances: I send money home to Mexico to support family )
Oklahoma charges a fee .
Why can't Trump do the same , thus making Mexico pay for the wall ?

You all are in fantasyland. You can't single out one group of Americans in that manner, it'd be discriminatory as hell. lol.

We are only going to do this to Americans of Mexican descent who send money to their families in Mexicao and that's not the Mexican government paying, that Americans who'd be paying for the wall. Wow.


Well-Known Member
I think that's on the table. Trumps a negotiator , mexico paying for the wall is one piece of leverage for what he really wants which I think is a much more favorable trade agreement.

Trump's not a negotiator when it comes to government. He can't even negotiate with republicans to get a healthcare bill through congress even though his party controls congress.

He has no leverage because he can't walk away and everyone knows that. If he was popular or if he was pushing popular agenda items, he could pressure them, but he has zero leverage over republican Senators because any problem is not one he can walk away from. He will own it because he is the President. lol


Well-Known Member
Did you read the article or just the headline, cause the article proves my point. There is no money allocated for a wall, and they allocated relative pennies for companies to build wall proto types. lol It is the definition of meaningless symbolism just like I have been saying.

Trump and republicans had a choice, either allocate the many many billions its going to take to actually build that stupid wall or do a stupid P.R. stunt where they get headlines that say Trump's wall being built in San Diego, even though those are just proto types of the wall.

It be like saying the ACA was done not because the Democrats in Congress wrote and passed a bill that set aside money and raised taxes to actually pay for the ACA, but because they set aside symbolic money so companies could come in and create pro type websites that customers in the future may use on the future healthcare bill. lol

At this point it appears you have partially absorbed some of the DNC anti wall rhetoric and you claim that you listened to Millers press conference which covered one part of trumps immigration objectives and you thus have anointed yourself an expert on Trump immigration policy.

the fact is as I and others have stated that trump is actually starting the wall in several places including San diego as I pointed out. Denial on your part does not change this.

Note: less words more content.


Well-Known Member
At this point it appears you have partially absorbed some of the DNC anti wall rhetoric and you claim that you listened to Millers press conference which covered one part of trumps immigration objectives and you thus have anointed yourself an expert on Trump immigration policy.

the fact is as I and others have stated that trump is actually starting the wall in several places including San diego as I pointed out. Denial on your part does not change this.

Note: less words more content.
There is no wall being built from Trump. There has been zero dollars allocated by Congress to build a wall. Do you get this without new money being allocated by Congress no wall from Trump can be built?

The republicans already passed a build a wall bill over a decade ago. There already are hundreds of miles of a wall already built.

What is happening in San Diego if it happens are companies building proto types of the wall. This info is in the article to you supplied.

All I am doing with Trump is looking at what is happening. This law isn't going to become law, they aren't even going to push it. He is doing this just to signal to his supporters that he still hates Mexicans and Muslims and to stoke anti-immigrant feelings. That's all this is about.


golden ticket member
Construction for PROTOTYPES of President Trump's controversial border wall is set to be completed by this fall, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
of course we have to pick a "style" first.
I really dislike solar panels, but sticking them to a wall in SoCal/Mex. is brilliant!!


Inordinately Right
"Prototypes" for a freakin wall lol. Leave it to government to find a way to complicate something as simple as a wall.

20 million taxpayer dollars wasted on ideas for a wall that will never be built. Republicans don't even pretend to be fiscally conservative anymore.