

Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter whether you believe he is playing the msm or the left.

What should matter is what is he going to do on immigration? Cause this bill is DOA. It's not becoming law. It's not even going to be a bill that gets voted on.

If a President or legislator is serious about making a bill into law or changing policy, giving flashy press conferences and throwing out ideas that can't make it through Congress isn't how they go about making law and changing policy.

You'd think republican voters would tire of this legislative signaling that doesn't actually change anything.....

8years they spent signaling how much they hated the ACA and then nothing. Two years trump spent signaling during the campaign how much he hates the ACA then nothing.

Same as with the wall and the same as with infrastructure plans, same as with deficit reduction, same with the military transgender ban, same as with immigration.

Conservatives and republicans elected officials at the national level are great at signaling hey we hate this or that thing or this group of people, great at introducing meaningless bills that wont become law, but horrible at actually addressing the things they claim to care about with actual legislation.

Trump is just stoking hatred of immigrants that's all this farce is designed to do.

It's not designed to become law.

So since he is signaling to his own supporters a thing that's leads to no where..... that's called getting played yet again.

he's been a big supporter of big energy. soon you may be able to progress to a full time job


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Was Barbara Jordan a ‘White Nationalist’?
The pearl-clutching reaction of much of the chattering class to the Cotton-Perdue RAISE Act on immigration has been a wonder to behold. Charles C.W. Cooke discussed the "agree with me or you're against immigrants" silliness in National Review Online, but I wanted to point out something else.

The inspiration for the RAISE Act is the mid-1990s report of civil rights icon Barbara Jordan's bipartisan U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform. Though there are many differences in the details of the two proposals, the basic ideas are the same: Abolish the ridiculous Visa Lottery, focus family immigration on nuclear family, and rationalize and streamline the skilled immigration process.

I guess back in the day dear Barbara Jordan was trying to White-Wash America too. SMH


Well-Known Member
nice speech, so which of his immigration policies do you disagree with?

I already posted two things, I disagree with nearly all of the immigration suggestions from the press conference with Stephen Miller, and that since those immigration suggestions have zero chance of becoming law, I am not going to pretend that the suggestions are to be taken seriously..... because the intent for Trump is to do nothing on immigration and merely signal to his supporters that he still hates Mexicans and Muslims and to stoke the anti immigrant sentiments of his supporters.

So that's how I view the Trump's phony immigration suggestions and that's how I'll discuss them. As the vehicle to signal to his supporters and stoke anti immigrant feelings, he has zero intention of this becoming law, he has zero intention of pushing for this.


Well-Known Member
so building a wall which he is currently doing and the funding for future wall construction which is working its way through congress is not really happening? Try to focus on actually answering a question with a detailed answer.

Wait, why are we paying anything for the wall..... oh yeah he'll work on getting the money from Mexico later after we pay to build a wall. lol Trump can't get any major bills through Congress when the party he leads controls both houses of Congress and the presidency, but he'll get a foreign government to pay for a wall they don't want, but at a later date after we already pay to build it. lol

Trump isn't building a wall, there has been no money in any budget passed by both houses of Congress for a wall. Republicans over a decade ago already passed a build a wall thing, There is already many many hundreds of miles of a wall already in existence. so any work on a wall precedes Trump.

He requested 1 billion or something back in April and got nothing when they passed that budget to keep the government open. So nothing is working its way through Congress, the House passed a symbolic bill to fund something on the wall, but its going nowhere in the Senate, so it is irrelevant just as irrelevant as the House passing their ACA repeal bill turned out to be. Just as irrelevant as Trump's transgender ban tweet that the military is ignoring turned out to be.

Again, Trump in the discussion with the Mexican President back in Jan of this year out of his own mouth said the wall is the least important thing and that politically its the most important- meaning the optics. For Trump it's all pretend.
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Well-Known Member
You don't appear to have a very good insight to humans ... I got mine, screw you and NIMBY are more common that the altruistic, non-changing world in which your head resides.

Yeah, that's what this discussion is about my understanding of humans. Lol

Look, Trump isn't doing anything on immigration. He has zero intentions of this stuff becoming law.

I just pointing that out as well as the hypocrisy of creating an immigration policy that would have kept Trump's own family out of the US.

But hey Trump isn't going to accomplish anything legislatively, but at least according to you he introduced an immigration suggestions plan to troll the left and the MSM. That's what the president is supposed to spend his days doing, not pushing forth a coherent policy agenda, put doing publicity stunts to as you say to troll the left and the MSM while he does none of the stuff he discussed during his campaign. SMH.


Nine Lives
In the words of a Black Female Democrat Civil Rights Activist ...

The Immigration Act of 1990 mandated the creation of a bipartisan commission to examine the impacts of immigration on the United States and to make recommendations for future policy. The Commission, chaired by the late Barbara Jordan, issued its final report in 1997, but Barbara Jordan held a press conference in 1995 releasing the Commission's recommendations on legal immigration. The Jordan Commission called for an end to Chain Migration, the end of the Visa Lottery, and an annual immigration flow of 550,000 new immigrants per year with a focus on highly-skilled workers, the nuclear family members of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, and the U.S.'s fair share of refugees and asylees (50,000/year).
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Well-Known Member
Nice reading but it's like a dog barking.
It has no relevance and effects nothing except your preconceived notions.

Lol, of course it has no relevance. This is a message board about UPS. I am a refinery worker expressing my thoughts. So yes big picture, this is irrelevant.

But it still doesn't change that Trump's goal wasn't to pass immigration legislation.

So here is the thing, supposedly conservatives want something done on immigration, something other than the status quo, yet Trump isn't going to do anything, but maintain the status quo on immigration.

Trump will make the lives of some immigrants more difficult with ICE, but while those stories are tragic, and I think will eventually produce a horrifying violent tragedy and probably generate some future lawsuits, those ICE raids, don't fundamentally change anything. And Trump isn't going to deliver on immigration. He is just pretending, literally thinking, I need to signal to my supporters that I still hate Mexicans and Muslims even as I do nothing. Just like his travel ban is symbolic and an utter failure. None of this stuff actually represents a change, it is just all for show.

The ACA was a change, the Stimulus was a change, Saving the auto industry was a change, ending the Iraq war was change, Passing Dodd Frank was a change, ending DADT was a change, the Iran nuclear deal was a change. These things are lasting and had a huge impact on this nation.

Trump is just pretending he isn't doing much except for mostly irrelevant symbolic stuff supposedly since he was elected to enact policy that should matter to his supporters, he is an utter failure so far and he is playing president, not actually performing the job.


golden ticket member
"Trump isn't building a wall, there has been no money in any budget passed by both houses of Congress for a wall. ." (refinery)

There is money designated to can be spent as the pres chooses.....a wall portion maybe?