Immune Cell Cancer Treatment


Age quod agis
This thread had the DNA structure to turn into an interesting and beneficial conversation.

My sister is fighting Breast Cancer and immune therapy is in the treatment plan.

Families with rare cancer genes can consider options to bank umbilical cords.

And you can’t grow a leg but there has been success at growing vital organ replacement tissue.

So, yeah the planet sucks and we will all die from dirty water, dirty air and over populated cities. Eventually we will depend on one food source, solivent green (spelling ..fix it don’t rag on it).

Hey, if all this science can stop cancer from taking one child.


Inordinately Right
As usual, you never have anything constructive to say ...
just trying to tear down anything constructive or positive!
SMH I feel sorry for ya!
Look in the mirror old man, that's what you're doing with that post.

I'm trying to have an honest discussion and you come in with your trolling. Get a grip.


Age quod agis
Uh, well if that's what you want to do go for it.

I've been pricing it out and doing research, at this point I'm not buying, haven't made up my mind yet.

Ewings Sarcoma
Brittany dx’d after extensive PT for knee / hip limp.
Just by chance family banked half sisters umbilical cord.
Of course, Brittany’s cancer wasn’t found soon enough because she was an athlete that hurt her leg.

In the end, all Brittany cared about was making a difference to others. She made a push for others to consider banking cords. It’s not the time to ask family how Brit became passionate about cords...

Science is advancing and eventually, I feel, an opinion, they will know how to harvest cells without banking cords.


Inordinately Right
Ewings Sarcoma
Brittany dx’d after extensive PT for knee / hip limp.
Just by chance family banked half sisters umbilical cord.
Of course, Brittany’s cancer wasn’t found soon enough because she was a athlete that hurt her leg.

In the end, all Brittany cared about was making a difference to others. She made a push for others to consider banking cords. It’s not the time to ask family how Brit became passionate about cords...

Science is advancing and eventually, I feel, an opinion, they will know how to harvest cells without banking cords.
I sure hope the science gets there I'm sure it will eventually. At this point, it's hard to justify the cost of private banking.

I'm all for public donation it's free why not, just not so sure about the private banking industry, it seems super scammy right now.


Age quod agis
I sure hope the science gets there I'm sure it will eventually. At this point, it's hard to justify the cost of private banking.

I'm all for public donation it's free why not, just not so sure about the private banking industry, it seems super scammy right now.
Actually, right now, after the stored egg thaws this summer...I agree.