"In God We Trust" on the nation's coins is civil authority over the duty we owe to ou


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Re: "In God We Trust" on the nation's coins is civil authority over the duty we owe t

John Adams (also known as “The Atlas of Independence”) wrote to his wife Abigail in 1775: “Statesmen may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand."
What principles of freedom are established by religion?


Well-Known Member
Re: "In God We Trust" on the nation's coins is civil authority over the duty we owe t

A patriot must be a religious man. Thomas Jefferson, who disagreed with Adams on so many points of policy, clearly concurred with him on this essential principle. “God who gave us life gave us liberty,” he wrote in 1781.
God also gave us the law that totally excludes religion from civil authority.

“And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the Gift of God?”
We should never forget that the total and absolute liberty of religion from all civil authority is God's law.

Jefferson’s friend and colleague, James Madison (acclaimed as “The Father of the Constitution”) declared that “religion is the basis and Foundation of Government,”
Madison never said that.


Nine Lives
Re: "In God We Trust" on the nation's coins is civil authority over the duty we owe t

We should never forget that the total and absolute liberty of religion from all civil authority is God's law.

Madison never said that.

Prove it. It stands as truth until you prove otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Re: "In God We Trust" on the nation's coins is civil authority over the duty we owe t

How long has "In God We Trust" been on our money? All of a sudden it is inappropriate? Sounds very appropriate to me. No separation issue or power issue. Simply we trust in our Creator. We're not forcing the establishment of a religion. If you dont believe in God, then dont.


Well-Known Member
Re: "In God We Trust" on the nation's coins is civil authority over the duty we owe t

How long has "In God We Trust" been on our money? All of a sudden it is inappropriate? Sounds very appropriate to me. No separation issue or power issue. Simply we trust in our Creator. We're not forcing the establishment of a religion. If you don't believe in God, then dont.
Only a Satanist would surrender authority over his duty to trust in God to the government. The fact that Americans allow their government to assume advisory authority over an aspect of their religion is all the evidence needed to prove that this is a Satanic Nation.


Nine Lives
Re: "In God We Trust" on the nation's coins is civil authority over the duty we owe t

Only a Satanist would surrender authority over his duty to trust in God to the government. The fact that Americans allow their government to assume advisory authority over an aspect of their religion is all the evidence needed to prove that this is a Satanic Nation.

Now that's funny, I don't care who you are! :rofl:


Well-Known Member
Re: "In God We Trust" on the nation's coins is civil authority over the duty we owe t


John Marshall, the father of American Jurisprudence and for 34 epochal years (1801-35) the Chief Justice of the United States, wrote: “The American population is entirely Christian, and with us Christianity and Religion are identified. It would be strange indeed, if with such a people, our institutions did not presuppose Christianity, and did not often refer to it, and exhibit relations with it.”

Strict Separation of Church and State is a Christian concept.


Re: "In God We Trust" on the nation's coins is civil authority over the duty we owe t

Only a Satanist would surrender authority over his duty to trust in God to the government. The fact that Americans allow their government to assume advisory authority over an aspect of their religion is all the evidence needed to prove that this is a Satanic Nation.

thats a pretty disturbing argument. do you really associate satanism with what is basically a genric and passive statement supporting our trust in a higher power?

I think your argument that we allow our government to assume advisory authority is quite a stretch.

You have me intrigued now. I'm wondering if there are really people in the world that think like you do? You're really a troll jerking our chain are you not?


Nine Lives
Re: "In God We Trust" on the nation's coins is civil authority over the duty we owe t

I'm wondering if there are really people in the world that think like you do? You're really a troll jerking our chain are you not?

It's just Jag...it's his style...borderline troller.


Well-Known Member
Re: "In God We Trust" on the nation's coins is civil authority over the duty we owe t

thats a pretty disturbing argument. do you really associate satanism with what is basically a genric and passive statement supporting our trust in a higher power?
I associate any sort of human authority over religion, the duty we owe to our Creator, with Satan. Our duty to trust in God is owed to God and him alone and should be rendered to God according to his wishes and not those of the civil magistrate.

I think your argument that we allow our government to assume advisory authority is quite a stretch.
It's not much of a stretch to say that by putting "In God We Trust" on the nation's coins, the U. S. Government is recommending that we should trust in God.

You have me intrigued now. I'm wondering if there are really people in the world that think like you do?
Very few hold my view. Most Americans are quite comfortable with the government assuming a bit of advisory authority over their religion. Most people who claim to be Christians, actually worship Satan, as did many Americans, especially the Congregationalist and Presbyterians, at the time our grand and glorious republic was established. Fortunately, there were a few more American who were true Christians who respected the Savior's admonition to separate the things of God from those of the earthly princes, and wanted a Constitution for the United States that totally excluded religion from the jurisdiction of the Federal Government.

You're really a troll jerking our chain are you not?
Nope. I'm just serious about no human authority over religion.


Well-Known Member
Re: "In God We Trust" on the nation's coins is civil authority over the duty we owe t

Only a Satanist would surrender authority over his duty to trust in God to the government. The fact that Americans allow their government to assume advisory authority over an aspect of their religion is all the evidence needed to prove that this is a Satanic Nation.

Let's go to the source....

"Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men; whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God."

1 Peter 2:13-17 NIV


Well-Known Member
Re: "In God We Trust" on the nation's coins is civil authority over the duty we owe t

Jesus trumps Peter.

Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's.

--Jesus Christ


Well-Known Member
Re: "In God We Trust" on the nation's coins is civil authority over the duty we owe t

Jesus trumps Peter.

Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's.

--Jesus Christ​
I agree 100%.I think the motto "In God We Trust" comes from proverbs
11 :28 "whoever trusts in his riches will fall,but the righteous will thrive
like a green leaf."Our forefathers must have felt a need to remind
the people of where their trust should be.Nothing could be more
true in the world we live in today.


Well-Known Member
Re: "In God We Trust" on the nation's coins is civil authority over the duty we owe t

Our forefathers must have felt a need to remind
the people of where their trust should be.
Did you know that President Lincoln was destroyed by the hand of God just days after he signed the evil law that put "In God We Trust" on the two cent piece in 1864? What is ironic about that tragedy, is that the advocates of the motto claimed it would bring the nation under the protection of God. Instead, God lifted his protection and destroyed the nation's leader.