In my 30 days for RPCD job


yeah he said he "got a call" to become and RPCD.
He's getting screwed
I’m pretty sure I am getting screwed but I’m just “working as instructed” they haven’t been talking to me and my 30 days coming up in December so I guess Ill find out then.


Where’s the broom?
I’m pretty sure I am getting screwed but I’m just “working as instructed” they haven’t been talking to me and my 30 days coming up in December so I guess Ill find out then.
Just keep working. Don’t ask management when your 30 days are up. if you are still working at the end of January then go ahead and ask questions to management. I still think you should keep Stuart in the loop as to what line of BS management is telling you.


I now walk into the wild
Sounds legit to me. Do anything they say for your 30 day packet, turn burn run and gun. Skip lunch and breaks blow all the methods out your ass.

Day 31 you’re in. :censored2: them as hard as you can without lube any chance you get.


Well-Known Member
Sounds legit to me. Do anything they say for your 30 day packet, turn burn run and gun. Skip lunch and breaks blow all the methods out your ass.

Day 31 you’re in. :censored2: them as hard as you can without lube any chance you get.
Day 30…not 31.
Punch in for day 30 and you are in

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
Where is he slotted for vacation selection? The contract requires him to select with the 22.4s if he will gain seniority prior to January 1st.

Trucker Clock

Well-Known Member
Isn't this what is called a "free period" where time don't count for getting into the Union?

Depends on the Supplement.

Free period started on Oct 1st and run into Jan..
During this time the company can hire and use anyone anyway they please.

Depends on the Supplement.

If he signed a full time nod he would be allowed to qualify.

Depends on the Supplement.

Don't you have to be a 22.4 first before becoming an rpcd?


@CB22 you are a Seasonal Driver. you cant qualify during Peak,and if they tell you otherwise they are simply lying to you so you'll kill yourself and make thier numbers look good during peak. This is a harsh cold company to work for

Depends on the Supplement.

If he is a current employee and he signed a bid , he can qualify

Depends on the Supplement.

How does that happen then? He signed a bid for rpcd that no 22.4 signed?

Because you can't bid a route as a part timer. Can't even bid a route as a 22.4

I think op is confused as to what his job title is. Sounds like a seasonal to me.

He did not bid a route. He signed an intent bid to go to class and train to become an RPCD. Whether he can qualify during peak is a Supplemental issue.

yeah he said he "got a call" to become and RPCD.
He's getting screwed

Not really.

If that's the case
You are 100% correct

No he's not.

I’m pretty sure I am getting screwed but I’m just “working as instructed” they haven’t been talking to me and my 30 days coming up in December so I guess Ill find out then.

You're not necessarily getting screwed. What Supplement are you under?

You certainly can if you are transferring from part-time to full-time.

Depends on the Supplement.