Is it me or are the pages on this web site loading awfuly slow


Tea anyone ?
It never used to take this long for the PAGES on this site to load , I find myself waiting for 2 3 mins sometimes . none of my other websites take this long


Is it time to go home yet
It never used to take this long for the PAGES on this site to load , I find myself waiting for 2 3 mins sometimes . none of my other websites take this long
I'm not having any problems.Perhaps it is your computer or internet carrier having problems.


Retired 23 years
I'm not having any issues with it. The Brown Cafe site has always been one of the smoothest sites there is. My hats off to all that make this possible.:peaceful: How's that for a positive "1000th" post"?


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Uh uh Moreluck, Rod has made the One Thousandth Post Club. He is gaining on you!!!:funny:

Try deleting your cookies and history, sometimes that helps.


Well-Known Member
U K Guy, today mine is running smooth. But occasionally this site does run extremely slow for me while all the other sites I visit are normal. I am no techie so I have no explanation.