is management "encouraged" to give to upspac????


No pressure. It's completely voluntary. If you don'friend give you might end up on the preload, and you might get demoted, and you might get less of a raise, though. They know what the participation is by department/division.

that would be a first. Its always been announced by district. I've never ever seen anyone punished for not contributing. The company has to be careful with this information, I'm sure there are legal issues here.


Well-Known Member
No pressure. It's completely voluntary. If you don'friend give you might end up on the preload, and you might get demoted, and you might get less of a raise, though. They know what the participation is by department/division.

that would be a first. Its always been announced by district. I've never ever seen anyone punished for not contributing. The company has to be careful with this information, I'm sure there are legal issues here.

I have seen the reports on UPSPAC. There are no names on them. There are counts for people in groups and the % of those groups that gave. That certainly adds pressure, and is embarrasing for a staff manager who has a low % contribution.

I have never seen nor heard of anyone punished for not contributing either.

All that being said, I have contributed to UPSPAC from the beginning. While I do not like PAC's, UPS needs a way to have its voice heard. Other organizations do the same. After spending a week in Washington with our congressional contacts, I understand the system much better and truly understand the need.



first hand? you were sitting in the peoples meeting when the divison manager announced he was not promoting certain people who did not give to upspac?

first hand? Perhaps you were sitting in the divison managers office when he was having a confidential conversation with HR and the district manager about promotions?

first hand? you saw a list sent from corporate that told the divison manager who gave?

Please elaborate on how you had this "first hand" information as a preload supervisor that left in disgrace?

Before I was a preload sup (and no I did not leave in disgrace), I was a frequent fill-in for the Package IE section manager position. Sometimes career discussions would come up with the Div Manager and things were said. I also had things said to me candidly by my Package section manager regarding contribution levels. I also had this turned around on me during career discussion about the need to give so the check is made when promotions are considered. So yes, I have had several first hand experiences regarding PAC level contribution effecting promotions.

I'd like to know what makes you think I left in disgrace? I used my experience and Master's degree to get a better job with better pay. How is that disgraceful? What's disgraceful is how I was treated by the ops people during my assignments.

ups clerk

Well-Known Member
They put a lot of pressure on drivers to give to the United Way.

Think of UPS's priorities and imagine how much pressure they put on management to give to the cause which really has the most impact on UPS bottom line. I would speculate that managements' participation in the UPS political action committee is between 99 and 100%. Those that fall in the under allowed below 100% range are least best and more than likely are no longer employed by Big Brown.
I agree with Browned out.
Legally, upper mgmt can't force lower mgmt to give, but just like the United Way, if you don't give, you aren't considered a team player which means UPS has no use for you. They can't fire you but they can make life miserable for you, where all of a sudden they are finding flaws in your paper work, running a dock, etc.
I had seen first hand where a center manager actually filled out the United Way contribution form for his on car supervisor and all the supervisor had to do is sign the form.
The way UPS treats their mgmt is reprehensible when it comes to things like United Way and UPSPAC. :angry:


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
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Well-Known Member
Before I was a preload sup (and no I did not leave in disgrace), I was a frequent fill-in for the Package IE section manager position. Sometimes career discussions would come up with the Div Manager and things were said. I also had things said to me candidly by my Package section manager regarding contribution levels. I also had this turned around on me during career discussion about the need to give so the check is made when promotions are considered. So yes, I have had several first hand experiences regarding PAC level contribution effecting promotions.

I'd like to know what makes you think I left in disgrace? I used my experience and Master's degree to get a better job with better pay. How is that disgraceful? What's disgraceful is how I was treated by the ops people during my assignments.


Are you saying that the division manager saw UPSPAC contribution levels by employee?

I have personally seen the UPSPAC reports. There are no employees on them. They are sliced multipel ways, but not by employee. I have never seen one by division either.



Ponies and Planes
If theres no pressure, how can it be explained that UPS has possibly the highest management participation ratio of any Fortune 500 company and virtually no hourly participation? One group wants to give generously and another un-pressured group at the same company doesn't give at all.


Well-Known Member
If theres no pressure, how can it be explained that UPS has possibly the highest management participation ratio of any Fortune 500 company and virtually no hourly participation? One group wants to give generously and another un-pressured group at the same company doesn't give at all.

I would bet the bank that if ups' "attitude" over the last year or so would improve so would many things including giving to things like upspac. If ups started treating their folks like actual employees and not pieces of dirt then maybe participation would grow. You cant tell me or anyone else reading this that ups has been a good employer in the last 2 years. Ever since the economy went down employee relations took a nose dive...and it has been fully stated on this site numerous times...and its still happening today. Most of the things that have been going have nothing to do with monetary issues but more of proving a point. If I saw a sincere effort from ups in the employee relations department I would have no problem giving to Im sure others would also. So, ups wants me to give money for political purposes to keep upsers working, which includes hourly people, but at the same time wants to make an effort to get rid of these same folks for things so ridiculous its almost a joke....


Well-Known Member
I am admittedly not a very political person. From what I gather management gives to upspac to help them politically and Teamsters give to Drive to help them. I have heard from a very reliable source that we (Teamsters) have done our part in delivering the Dem. votes needed but the Rep. are not cooperating. Hmmmmmm.


Well-Known Member
If theres no pressure, how can it be explained that UPS has possibly the highest management participation ratio of any Fortune 500 company and virtually no hourly participation? One group wants to give generously and another un-pressured group at the same company doesn't give at all.

Do you know what will happen if this thing swings our way??? Management contributes because each and everyone of them have a vested interest in this thing. Almost all mangement employees will be affected directly. This thing doesn't make a difference to the hourly's it only matters to the Union big shots. Trust me, your union dues go to the fund one way or another...


Ponies and Planes
Do you know what will happen if this thing swings our way??? Management contributes because each and everyone of them have a vested interest in this thing. Almost all management employees will be affected directly. This thing doesn't make a difference to the hourly's it only matters to the Union big shots. Trust me, your union dues go to the fund one way or another...

What thing? RLA? I suppose it will make it easier for FedEx to unionize and strike. On the negative side, it would also allow Fedex to consolidate services into one vehicle. Now they are not allowed to combine air and ground loads by law.

The Teamsters and UPS are strong supporters of RLA.