It's Going to be Epic part 2

Shift Inhibit

He who laughs last didn't get it.
Is your building ready?


Two Tokes

Give it to me Baby
The center gets credit for the pieces if package cars pick them up. They don't if a feeder does it. All a numbers game and the centers profit picture. Every center is like a company within the company and has its own profit numbers.
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Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
We have the same thing. They'll send 6 package cars to stop there on their way in and take what will fit. I have received two different answers from Center Managers as to why.

One center manager said that it is too expensive to send a trailer to pick them up. If that's the case, fine, save money. Another center manager said that if feeders picks them up, the package center will not get the credit for the pieces. OK? So waste a lot of money just to make your center look good?

I don't know which reason is correct, but it sound pretty stupid either way.
Your manager is a dope and wants those pkg cars to pick it up to make his #s look good.
I am a WAD feeder driver , and was picking up two Targets a day at about 2-3 thousand packages ,, I would drop an empty trailer at one target around 2am on a Saturday so they'd fill during the weekend they were so busy