New Member
Its pretty apparent that Carol et al have no respect or care about their management operators. They break the bank to give the Teamsters a 5% raise or $700 a month at 50 hours a week. They give the part time sups a $1500 bonus and raise and absolutely nothing for full time management. Not even a thank you but 14% of us shown out the door. They dont realize how low the management morale is. The give us 50% MIP which will only come 2 or 3 monthe of the Teamster raise. There has been no mention of the Sales Lead Bomb that Carol et al wanted us to do on our own time. Not one of any management, even division managers, got any sales lead. We are not going to do it for free! Carol, know that the morale is low and that management will not go above and beyond anymore because you and the upper echelons dont care about your management.
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