attended an info session this morning in aliso viejo CA, and got hired for driver helper through the holiday season; $8.50/hr + $800bonus if 8weeks goes smoothly with no ****ups
next tuesday at 7am i have orientation back in aliso viejo and as far as i can tell from there i'll be on call M-friend 9am-6pm; and it seems working more hours rather than less
i live in newport beach and it seems will be working the costa mesa area which is close by
anyway, so i'd like to ask a few questions and i'd like to glean any advice/comments i can get from you veterans
1. will i most likely be with the same driver all the time?
2. how many hours do you think i'll work? it seemed to be hinted to me that i might work the full 9hrs M-friend
3. any advice you can give me on how to do my job well, not piss off my driver, etc.
4. what i should BRING, WEAR, NOT BRING etc. to both orientation and to runs
5. anything i should study up on beforehand?
now i assume what's going to happen is simply that i get the call, meet my driver somewhere, park my car and get in the truck, make rounds till he's done? and basically i'll be doing the majority of the carrying, leg work etc.? seems pretty straight forward; i'm expecting the worst, expecting to do all the work while the courier sips latte's but we'll see
thanks; and glad to be on board
next tuesday at 7am i have orientation back in aliso viejo and as far as i can tell from there i'll be on call M-friend 9am-6pm; and it seems working more hours rather than less
i live in newport beach and it seems will be working the costa mesa area which is close by
anyway, so i'd like to ask a few questions and i'd like to glean any advice/comments i can get from you veterans
1. will i most likely be with the same driver all the time?
2. how many hours do you think i'll work? it seemed to be hinted to me that i might work the full 9hrs M-friend
3. any advice you can give me on how to do my job well, not piss off my driver, etc.
4. what i should BRING, WEAR, NOT BRING etc. to both orientation and to runs
5. anything i should study up on beforehand?
now i assume what's going to happen is simply that i get the call, meet my driver somewhere, park my car and get in the truck, make rounds till he's done? and basically i'll be doing the majority of the carrying, leg work etc.? seems pretty straight forward; i'm expecting the worst, expecting to do all the work while the courier sips latte's but we'll see
thanks; and glad to be on board