Local 705 contract suggestions.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
4 8 hour requests per month?? There are only 20 working days in the average month---25% of those should be 8 hours only?
Lower progression? Companies rarely if ever go back on anything, especially something that is saving them a ton of money.
Increase disability pay? I believe weekly payment amounts are set by the individual states, not the companies.
Eliminate 22.4's? Again, companies rarely if ever go back on anything that is saving them a ton of money.
Hazard pay when the temp goes above 90 degrees or below 20 degrees? Yeah, not gonna happen.
Double time for all hours worked after 10? They need to add "outside of Peak" in order for me to agree.
Eliminate PVD's? Yeah, not gonna happen. I would like to see a clause added to where no "real" employee can be laid off in favor of using PVD's.
Insurance maintained through extended period away from work? Depends upon the situation.
Orientation for all new drivers attaining seniority? I agree with this one.

I can recall when the big battle during contracts was whether we could have beards or not.

This is going to be Sean's first UPS contract and I see him going big-----$1/hr per year for 5 years, plus COLA. Personally I would prefer that the wage be frozen and that UPS be asked to pay pension contributions on all hours worked.

All those proposals are contained in the “Master”, I know L705 and L710 claims they have their own contract but it has to conform to the National Contract.

Nothing about pension increases or improvements?