Making people aware


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Hysteria: Chicago High School Spends Over $50,000 Replacing Year Book Because Some Students Did the ‘OK’ Hand Sign

Welcome to clown world.


A school in Chicago is set to spend over $50,000 dollars replacing a year book because some students displayed the ‘OK’ hand sign.

That would sell well in The Onion!

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Yep.. If you speak against homosexuality, you must be gay.
If you speak against trans and are a man, deep down you really want to be a woman.
If you quote the bible , you're a "thumper" and a hypocrite.
If you speak against the murder of the unborn, you want to control women.
If you want the border to be secure, you have no sympathy for 3rd world countries.
If you believe in God, you don't believe in science .
If you like how Trump is leading the country, you must have coon dogs tied up in your backyard and no front teeth.
All conservative post and points made are fake news and funny, so the poster is maligned.
The bc libheads represent their media well.
You reap what you sow ..yeah..its in the scripture, but it also a law of nature, horticulture.
If you plant corn, you get corn, not cucumbers.

What is being sown by this bunch , I see no good yield for the country .
The Ten Commandments of the Dimocratic Party!