Master VS supplements and riders


I hate kiss-***** and I hate save-*****.....

Let Tie defend himself.


the term of kiss ass:
While the term may be appropriate in an operation in which someone fawns in servile complaisance to someone in a leadership postion the term is actually completely out of context on a message board where the only rank bestown is on the moderators theirselves.

In this instance the term is used to attempt to ridicule the person into submission away from his positions or beliefs. The motive in the use of this grammar school psychological tactic would be to attempt to isolate or seperate two posters who at times may have displayed similar opinions or beliefs. Its use is designed to put one poster on the defensive creating a diversion.

The use of this term in message board conversation is generally used when one poster no longer has a sound base and is losing badly. At such it is used as a last ditch desperation move as he retreats from his unteneable position.

The proper message board etiquette requires you gracefully admit defeat and quietly succumb. Your character is now up to scrutiny. The search for your character now begins. How will you respond?