Just curious about maternity leave, I know we get 5 days off but do u get more time off for a c-section? With our first child I took 5 days, but I have been told u get more time for c-sections. Anyone know?
WOW! 6 to 12 weeks off with Disability? $700.00 a week! The times have sure changed. When my son was born at 2:20 in the morning on Christmas eve (Dec. 24) they refused my request to take that day off. That was a long time ago. They did the same when my daughter was born in November 2 years later. ( believe me they paid dearly later on). Yes- even UPS of days gone by knew how to keep the troops pissed off. Some things never change.In California, I think you get 6 weeks off without question if you had a baby. And most doctors will extend it to 3 months without question. I took off 5 months with both my pregnancies and got paid from Disability. One of the guys here just took off 6 weeks paternity leave and got Disability pay. Something like $700 a week. That was new this year. Last year a guy took off three weeks paternity and only got paid 1/2 disability. Before that if a guy wanted to take off he got paid Zip. Yeah the good old US of A is way behind the rest of the world regarding the concept of staying home when a new baby is brought into the world. How women go back to work after 6 weeks is beyond me.