Monday only pick-ups that fall on a holiday.


Well-Known Member
I have a monday only pickup and was on vacation the week before the holiday, came to work tuesday and pickup wasn`t in board so I didn`t make it. Got an OCA at 6pm to make the pickup and customer asked what was the deal, the guy who did the route before me always made the pickup on the day after the holiday. I said sorry but we have a new system now (PAS) and your pickup wasn`t in my diad. I told him he needs to make arrangements for a pickup next time.

I would say that you have failed that customer whereas the previous driver took care of the customer. Hopefully you will choose to take care of that customer 7/6.


Raw Member
We are now banned from using unscheduled pickups in the board. Everything goes under special counts. No more credit for air or over 70s. Anyone else get this DIAD training?

If a regular OCA pickup or couple days a week pickup customer hands me a pkg not on a regular pickup day I do unscheduled.


Raw Member
Does it matter? Take care of the damn customer!!

If you have a Monday only pickup and Monday happens to be a holiday then you should plan on making that pickup on Tuesday.

With our new system we aren`t paid to think anymore, embrace it, your off the hook, dude!:wink2:


Well-Known Member
Yep, start name calling when you lose an arguement, typicall New Yorker Liberal! HA!! :smart:

OK--fair enough.

Put yourself in the customer's shoes. You have a Monday only pickup account and the previous driver always made sure to stop by on the Tuesdays after a UPS holiday. Without fail and without having to be asked---he simply took care of the customer. Now they have a new driver. Yesterday (Monday) was a UPS holiday so you are expecting the driver to come by today (Tuesday) to make the pickup. Regular P/U time comes, no pickup. 6 pm rolls around and the shipper has to call in an OCA because his driver couldn't be bothered to make the Monday only pickup on Tuesday because it wasn't written down for him. Customer asks why you didn't make the P/U and you tell him that you are unable to think for yourself and have to have everything written down for you.

Raw, this is not rocket science. Take care of the customer 7/6. Dave.


Staff member
Just to play Devils Advocate:

Didn't the customer agree to call in a p/u request for any day other than Monday when they signed up for the service? (I think P-Man said that).

So actually it was the previous driver who stopped by Tuesday without being requested to who has caused this problem. The previous driver should have made sure the customer knew the correct procedure.


Well-Known Member
Over, while you technically may be correct, how hard is it from the bid driver to realize that this customer is going to need a pickup on any Tuesday following a Monday? This is what I call taking care of the customer. It is relatively simple and can pay huge dividends.


Staff member
Over, while you technically may be correct, how hard is it from the bid driver to realize that this customer is going to need a pickup on any Tuesday following a Monday? This is what I call taking care of the customer. It is relatively simple and can pay huge dividends.

I was playing my favorite game, Devils Advocate.

In reality, I would expect the regular driver to know that his customer would want that Tuesday p/u, and make it regardless of whether it's in the DIAD.


Do you have that in writing?
Nope, don't need it in writing. I know that they need a pickup, and am glad to provide the service.

Yep, start name calling when you lose an arguement, HA!! :smart:
I saw this as a different quote when Upstate quoted you.

Just to play Devils Advocate:

Didn't the customer agree to call in a p/u request for any day other than Monday when they signed up for the service? (I think P-Man said that).

So actually it was the previous driver who stopped by Tuesday without being requested to who has caused this problem. The previous driver should have made sure the customer knew the correct procedure.
I don't agree, I see it as the pick up automatically going to the next day, since no one actually came out on Monday (or what ever day) to do the pick up. Just because the "pick up" has disappeared from the board, doesn't mean the customer should miss their day of the week pick up.

I have an arrangement with the Walgreens on my route. Instead of them telling me that the pharmacy has pkgs going out randomly, they hold them till Friday, at which point I pick up any outgoing pkgs. If I happen to take the day off, I get them on Monday, or sometimes Thursday. It's customer service, and it's what they remember about the UPS driver. If you want to see this company live through 200 years, I suggest we all start being kinder, gentler UPS'ers.


Man of Great Wisdom
We have a large bakery that ships mail order bread out every Monday. We send a feeder in for 10 or 12 skids. They don't have to call it in if the holiday falls on Monday. It's assumed by everyone involved it will be picked up on Tuesday.