

Or get a satellite route

I have not helped anybody in over 2 years and for the most part I am done by 4:30 , the other plus I also have not seen a manager or the hub since January


Well-Known Member
We are asked to work within the perimeters of PPH, SPORH, etc and this equates to in theory to getting paid less for a job well done.
Some employees that slow down, do under par work get paid more for a job not done so well....
I agree that we should all have our personal work ethics in check - i.e. : A fair day's pay for a fair day's work.


Well-Known Member
They must not say, "Work as directed." at your building.:biting:

(I hate that gross misuse of power)

Try "I did not sleep well last night and feel I am too tired to continue to work safely."

Then the ball is in their court, if they insist you work, get them to acknowledge in front of a steward or in writing you told them you were too tired.

Not that you can use that everyday, but after a 50+hr week on a Friday.......


Employees should stand up for their right to be human beings. Whatever that may be, the operations cannot continue to be run successfully as-is.


Well-Known Member
That is called an intentional work slowdown, which is a violation of the contract.

Indecision is a runner/gunner---I can say that as I am one as well. I am also the "go to" guy in my loop. If he is tired of being "asked" to help out drivers on an almost daily basis all he has to do is work more safely and concentrate on following the methods. I am not advocating an intentional slow down by any means--this would be a violation of the contract. All I am saying is Indecision were to work more safely and within the methods he would naturally slow down and over time would no longer be the "go to" guy.


Well-Known Member
Indecision is a runner/gunner---I can say that as I am one as well. I am also the "go to" guy in my loop. If he is tired of being "asked" to help out drivers on an almost daily basis all he has to do is work more safely and concentrate on following the methods. I am not advocating an intentional slow down by any means--this would be a violation of the contract. All I am saying is Indecision were to work more safely and within the methods he would naturally slow down and over time would no longer be the "go to" guy.
All I can say is that I am in awe Mr. "go to" guy!


Well-Known Member
Einstein, if you come in at 5:30 and are being sent back out to help, wouldn't it make sense that if you stay out until 6:30 you wouldn't be asked to help?

Indecision is a runner/gunner---I can say that as I am one as well. I am also the "go to" guy in my loop. If he is tired of being "asked" to help out drivers on an almost daily basis all he has to do is work more safely and concentrate on following the methods. I am not advocating an intentional slow down by any means--this would be a violation of the contract. All I am saying is Indecision were to work more safely and within the methods he would naturally slow down and over time would no longer be the "go to" guy.

I am nothing like you and never will be. I don't run and gun.


Well-Known Member
One has little to do with the other.

It is very simple--if the runner/gunner is tired of helping other drivers he needs to stop running/gunning.

You guys are right I just need to start saying no more often. I made really good friends with a lot of my coworkers (at work and outside of work) and when i hear certain people are in trouble I help because i feel bad. I am sure Upstate doesn't have this issue since no one talks to him at work.