Moving up


New Member
So I have been a UPS employee for about a year and I want to apply for a Part-Time supervising position. My only problem is the fact that the application is asking for information that I have no idea how to obtain. The manager ID that shows up as auto-filled is not the Manager I have now. It's asking for my department name as well, of which I have no idea what that is. And I have no idea who my department Manager is either.

If anyone knows how I can find this type of information that will help. if I'm just forced to ask my full-timer my or manager myself I will I just thought I would be able to apply without needing to ask permission.


Staff member
So I have been a UPS employee for about a year and I want to apply for a Part-Time supervising position. My only problem is the fact that the application is asking for information that I have no idea how to obtain. The manager ID that shows up as auto-filled is not the Manager I have now. It's asking for my department name as well, of which I have no idea what that is. And I have no idea who my department Manager is either.

If anyone knows how I can find this type of information that will help. if I'm just forced to ask my full-timer my or manager myself I will I just thought I would be able to apply without needing to ask permission.

Think carefully, bud.

At my center, at least, a part time supe means an instant $4 an hour raise.
But that's the last raise you'll probably ever see at UPS.

If you stay union, and go driving, by the time you hit top rate, it'll have been somewhere around a 26 dollar raise. And more raises each year.


Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
So I have been a UPS employee for about a year and I want to apply for a Part-Time supervising position. My only problem is the fact that the application is asking for information that I have no idea how to obtain. The manager ID that shows up as auto-filled is not the Manager I have now. It's asking for my department name as well, of which I have no idea what that is. And I have no idea who my department Manager is either.

If anyone knows how I can find this type of information that will help. if I'm just forced to ask my full-timer my or manager myself I will I just thought I would be able to apply without needing to ask permission.

Try turning to your nearest PT supervisor and tell them you’d like to become one of them. They’ll be tripping over themselves to recruit you.

The “forced to ask” part of your post is a little strange. Are you really that scared to talk to a human?


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
I just thought I would be able to apply without needing to ask permission.
You kinda do, though. In my hub at least, you have to submit a letter of intent before you can even apply. I would, I don’t know, ASK someone what the process is and go from there. And by the way, DONT DO IT!


New Member
Try turning to your nearest PT supervisor and tell them you’d like to become one of them. They’ll be tripping over themselves to recruit you.

The “forced to ask” part of your post is a little strange. Are you really that scared to talk to a human?
yea "forced to ask" as in I thought it would be easy to just apply without needing information I was never told I was supposed to even know.

Hot Carl

Well-Known Member
Do yourself a favor and run like hell. I've only been here a for a year and change. Of all the PT supervisors we had when I started, 2 of them are still here. Others take the job and quit within 6-9 months. I turned it down when they asked me about it and it's the best decision I've made here so far. They can't get anyone else to take it either. There's a reason why it's such a revolving door.

I don't know how it is in other hubs, but PT preload supervisors get blamed for almost everything that goes wrong in mine. Anytime a preload manager shows up to a belt that looks like :censored2:, it's the supervisors who get chewed out regardless of whose fault it is.


Never bought my own handtruck
Do yourself a favor and run like hell. I've only been here a for a year and change. Of all the PT supervisors we had when I started, 2 of them are still here. Others take the job and quit within 6-9 months. I turned it down when they asked me about it and it's the best decision I've made here so far. They can't get anyone else to take it either. There's a reason why it's such a revolving door.

I don't know how it is in other hubs, but PT preload supervisors get blamed for almost everything that goes wrong in mine. Anytime a preload manager shows up to a belt that looks like :censored2:, it's the supervisors who get chewed out regardless of whose fault it is.
There’s hardly anyone that goes full time sup anymore.


Well-Known Member

One of the PT sups in our building is an Iraq combat vet who’s trying to exit UPS by becoming a cop.

Let that sink in a moment. Dude would rather take the risk of getting shot at again then continue in his current role.

My impression of the guy is that he’s not an adrenaline junkie or a power-tripping bully either. The job really is just that bad.


Well-Known Member
Nobody on our car wash knows who their supervisor is. As long as the cars get parked before Preload starts the Dispatch Supervisors are happy.
We used to have a car wash. I used to be a part of it. Some of our crew that didn’t have sets to park would take naps on pkg car shelves because they could. It was insane. I’ll never forget when one of my old Sup’s came up to a primary I was working at and told me I won a bid for car wash. Best job I ever had at UPS.

Package Stick

"Send it."

One of the PT sups in our building is an Iraq combat vet who’s trying to exit UPS by becoming a cop.

Let that sink in a moment. Dude would rather take the risk of getting shot at again then continue in his current role.

My impression of the guy is that he’s not an adrenaline junkie or a power-tripping bully either. The job really is just that bad.
When my PT sups get all tense I tell them at least they can't kill you, perhaps I'm wrong..

Harley Rider

34 yrs & done!
You must really be a goof-off for them to wait an entire year to offer you part time management. Usually they ask about three months into your employment. Only way they can find people ignorant enough to take the position.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Nobody on our car wash knows who their supervisor is. As long as the cars get parked before Preload starts the Dispatch Supervisors are happy.
Our PT sup is also over ODC which just had it's staffing cut from 4 to 1. She just walks around like someone that just had a cancer diagnosis, for 5 1/2 hours.

trailer loader

Trailer Loader
why would you want to leave the union to become a supe? honest question, here we have had several loaders take a supe spot, and know they hate it, 2 got fired within a week, the other 3 are barely hanging by a thread,