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If a part time air driver at top pt air rate accepts a full time driver position. What should her pay rate be? I told her she is red circled. The company tells her she is red circled. The union says she starts at bottom rate for ft driver. Below is part c of Art 41.
(c) The progression for employees entering a package car driving, feeder or other full-time job (other than an air driver or a job cov- ered by Section 3 below) after August 1, 2013 shall be as follows:
Start $18.75
Seniority $18.75
Twelve (12) months $19.50
Twenty-four (24) months $21.00
Thirty-six (36) months $25.00
Forty-eight (48) months Top Rate
Part-time employees on the payroll as of July 31, 2013 who subsequently are promoted to full-time employment under this paragraph will be red circled until such time as the calculated progression rate exceeds that rate. The transfer date will become his/her full-time start date for purposes of applying the above progression.
(c) The progression for employees entering a package car driving, feeder or other full-time job (other than an air driver or a job cov- ered by Section 3 below) after August 1, 2013 shall be as follows:
Start $18.75
Seniority $18.75
Twelve (12) months $19.50
Twenty-four (24) months $21.00
Thirty-six (36) months $25.00
Forty-eight (48) months Top Rate
Part-time employees on the payroll as of July 31, 2013 who subsequently are promoted to full-time employment under this paragraph will be red circled until such time as the calculated progression rate exceeds that rate. The transfer date will become his/her full-time start date for purposes of applying the above progression.