
Well-Known Member
I have mentioned this elsewhere but will do so again:

Does anyone else find it ironic that the NBA lockout has been met with zero public reaction, whether pro or con? Unlike the NFL lockout, in which you would have thought the world was coming to an end, the NBA lockout has been met with a general sense of indifference.

On the positive side business is up at the tattoo parlors in our NBA cities.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Millionaires arguing with multi millionaires over an inferior product (dreck) who cares How about the poor slups that work at the arenas who are not getting paid because of these self serving selfish mo moes.Who cares about them ,not the players ,owners,or the ESPN sports center people that show the high light films ! The NBA sucks anymore.
UpstateNYUPSer , If the NFL would have had their lockout this season I would never watch another NFL game again. The NBA had their Lockout & that means that I will never watch or go2 another NBA again & If any other major sports organization that does that then I wont pay one single dime to watch them or buy any merchandise. I'm getting tired of these owners & players that are always complaining about $$$. Maybe they should try working a common mans job & get paid a common mans pay & see how they like it. Every now & then you will hear a player say It's not about the money. It's always about the money. Do they think that we are STUPID. Quite a few years ago I'm not sure if the NBA had another lockout or were talking about it. But a Local Radio personality in the Tampa area named (Bubba The Love Sponge) said that if It weren't for the NBA we would have The Worlds Tallest Garbage Men! I got a kick out of that 1.


golden ticket member
NBA on a Sunday




Well-Known Member
The Lakers have only won 2 games this year. They suck. Kobe has been battling injuries for the past few years.

He wants to play in the 2016 Olympics and will most likely come back with the Knicks.


The Lakers have only won 2 games this year. They suck. Kobe has been battling injuries for the past few years.

He wants to play in the 2016 Olympics and will most likely come back with the Knicks.
Sorry to bust your bubble, but Kobe is a shell of himself and nothing left in the tank. He's done.
The nba is good this year. Last year wasn't really worth watching. After the heat got destroyed by injuries it was really just the cavs and warriors taking it all. This year there's a lot of movement, player wise. Celtics, Raptors, spurs, rockets, clippers, and maybe the bulls all have a decent shot at giving Cleveland and warriors a run for their money in the playoffs