New Female Feeder Driver Needs Some Advice


Well-Known Member
Working at UPS 17yrs. There is sexism. It's not as bad because we have to be politically correct. Heres the deal. We all work our ass off. Some play the game better than others. Most of the time it's the men that are the worst. Don't react to this post. Observe a couple days how the female drivers are treated. Back handed comments. I could go in details on the stuff that has been said to my face and behind it. But you get used to it. Does it make right? No this a male dominated job. Put your big girl panties on. Cause the guys are the biggest whiners I've ever seen and do your job that you get paid for.
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Well-Known Member
Working at UPS 17yrs. There is sexism. It's not as bad because we have to be politically correct. Heres the deal. We all work our ass off. Some play the game better than others. Most of the time it's the men that are the worst. Don't react to this post. Observe a couple days how the female drivers are treated. Back handed comments. I could go in details on the stuff that has been said to my face and behind it. But you get used to it. Does it make right? No this a male dominated job. Put your big girl panties on. Cause the guys are the biggest whiners I've ever seen and do your job that you get paid for.


Well-Known Member
Can a person even go into feeders without starting out as a driver? Most females would experience sexism at UPS long before their stint in feeders.

There's no rush for a female to prove herself - this will happen over time.